Points on Amateur Fishing Reform Proposals
These talking points have been developed for the meeting with amateur
fishers on 18 February. The agenda for this meeting focuses on the
development of a reform option having regard to the constraints
set out in the Minister of Fisheries letter dated 21 January 2003
and the principles set out in the amateur fishers joint letter of
8 December 2002.
(represents the views of the MFish author only)
8 December letter
The 8 December letter sets out four principles. They are:
- A priority right over commercial fishers written into legislation;
- The ability to exclude commercial methods that deplete recreationally
important areas;
- The ability to devise plans to ensure future generations enjoy
the same or better quality of rights while preventing fish conserved
for recreational use being given to the commercial sector; and
- No licensing of recreational fishers.
- An absolute priority right (with no conditions) cuts across
the settlement with Maori, is likely to create a fresh grievance
with Maori, undermines the present incentive structures underpinning
the QMS, and impacts on the rights of other fishery users. The
Minister’s response to the 8 December letter suggests he
is most unlikely to support an absolute priority for amateur fishers.
This suggests that if we are to further investigate a priority
right it may be best to do so in the form of a limited spatial
priority right.
- The wording of both the preface to the 1989 National Policy
for Marine Recreational Fisheries and the policy statement itself
suggests the Minister at that time had a more limited right in
mind. The preface does not refer to an unlimited right but one
in those circumstances “where a species of fish is not sufficiently
abundant to support both commercial and non-commercial fishing”.
The National Policy itself provides further elaboration under
“objective one” where it states “preference
will be given to non-commercial fishing in areas readily accessible
to and popular with the public, where a species is not sufficiently
abundant to support both non-commercial and commercial fishing.”
- A limited spatial priority right raises issues relating to the
nature of the limitations - defined area, specie limitation, season
limitation; and what would trigger the decisions to apply the
spatial priority? [The National Policy for Marine Recreational
Fisheries refers to preference being given in areas readily accessible
to and popular with the public where a species is “not sufficiently
abundant to support both non-commercial and commercial fishing”.
How will we know when this is the case? If present harvest allowances
are used as this yardstick, trigger points that either currently
exist or have existed in the fisheries legislation might be used.
For example, the spatial priority might apply when commercial
fishing methods have “an undue adverse impact” on
the amateur fishers ability to catch the daily bag limit; or when
commercial fishing methods “unreasonably affect” the
amateur fishers right to harvest the specified daily bag limit
or “prevent” the harvesting.] It also raises compensation
issues-at what point? How much? How will it be funded? See compensation
issues below.
- There are also fishery management policy and enforcement issues
relating to an amateur priority area that need clarifying. If
the priority area is a subset of a QMA,would the same controls
(bag limits etc) apply within the priority area as apply within
the larger QMA? What would be the rationale for different controls?
If the controls are the same, does an amateur priority area have
any significance other than an area where commercial fishing doesn’t
take place for particular species? What are the incentives on
fisher behaviour? If a priority area is for specified species
only, what are the enforcement implications.
- The “ability to exclude commercial methods that deplete
recreationally important areas” implies a spatial priority.
This seems similar in concept to the limited priority referred
to in the National Policy and discussed above.
- The principle “the ability to devise plans to ensure future
generations enjoy the same or better quality of rights while preventing
fish conserved for recreational use being given to the commercial
sector” contains three distinct issues that need further
elaboration and discussion.
- the ability to devise plans” raises issues relating to
who (the Minister, amateur fishers ?), how (is this a statutory
ability? would other sector right holders be involved?) and on
what basis ( process issues-who would approve these plans? what
would their status be? how would they be implemented?);
- “better quality of rights” isn’t clear as
to its intention. Does the “same or better quality”
refer to improving the current expression of the amateur fisher
right to fish as set out in the various amateur-fishing regulations
ie. higher bag limits and the examination and removal of some
of the regulatory constraints? If the expression of the present
rights are to be examined at some point in the future the Crown
will want to insure that these rights are examined through a process
undertaken the Crown;
- “Preventing fish conserved for recreational use being
given to the commercial sector” can relate to the present
fishery management arrangements where fishery resources are shared
between various groups with amateur and commercial fishers having
no priority over the other. Under the present arrangements, the
most certain way of ensuring the envisaged circumstances did not
occur would be to have :
- an allocation of the resources between commercial and amateur
fishers that precludes any subsequent transfer between these
groups; or
- allocation criteria set out in statute; or
- a combination of both of the above.
Constraints On The Crown
These are set out in the Minister’s letter to amateur fishers
dated 21 January.
- Crown’s obligation to Maori under the Treaty and the
settlement. The currency of the settlement was ITQ. [The preamble
to the Maori Fisheries Act 1989, which records the outcome of
the interim settlement, states that it is an Act “to make
better provision for the recognition of Maori fishing rights secured
by the Treaty of Waitangi; and to facilitate the entry of Maori
into, and the development by Maori of, the business and activity
of fishing…..”] Any reform proposal that undermines
the value of the settlement has the potential to create a fresh
treaty grievance. It is unlikely Ministers will accept any proposal
that has this effect. It is possible a fresh grievance might be
settled by monetary payments by the Crown but this raises other
issues for the Crown such as will Maori willingly accept this
(probably not given the negotiated outcome), how much will it
cost, how will this be funded and if it is to be funded from the
Consolidated Fund, does this fit with government’s expenditure
priorities. These are significant issues.
- Not undermine the integrity of the quota management system.
An absolute priority with no conditions (such as spatial and circumstance
conditions) undermines the incentive structure on which the QMS
is based. It would significantly reduce the incentives commercial
fishers have to fish on a sustainable basis. Additional compliance
and enforcement effort would not compensate for this. QMS is the
corner stone of the Government’s fishery management regime.
The Minister has indicated he will not compromise it.
- Compensation. The Fisheries Act 1996 provides a limited property
right to commercial fishers in the form of ITQ and ACE. Granting
priority to amateur fishers (even if limited to a spatial priority
in defined circumstances) may impact on these property rights.
This raises compensation issues for the Crown. The Minister has
indicated that he is unwilling to accept proposals that ignore
the legitimate rights of other resource users. Compensation issues
will therefore need to be addressed in any proposal involving
a priority right. [The issue of compensation is discussed below.]
- Fiscal issues. The Minister has expressed a preference that
any proposal be fiscally neutral. He has, however, indicated a
willingness to consider proposals that are not fiscally neutral
subject to solutions to the fiscal issues being identified.
- Providing a mechanism to grant amateur fishers a spatial priority
right in defined circumstances impacts on the property rights
of other fishers. The extent of the impact will depend on the
spatial dimension of the decision and its impact on present commercial
fishing patterns;
- The courts have scrupulously defended the principle that the
title to property should not be compulsorily acquired without
compensation (unless expressly provided for in statute). This
principle extends to decisions that impact on the ability of the
property right owner to exercise that property right;
- It is unclear from previous court cases and Crown Law opinions
as to whether any particular decision granting amateur fishers
priority in a defined area within a QMA would result in a successful
claim for compensation from other property right holders. This
very much depends on the impact the decision has on the ability
of the quota holder to exercise the harvesting right the quota
bestows and how widespread this impact is. If the impact is significant
then compensation issues may well arise. Previous court decisions
such as Sandford (South Island) Ltd v Moyle send a fairly clear
signal to the Crown that where a decision (made for non sustainability
reasons) impacts significantly on the quota holder’s ability
to exercise quota rights then an examinable case for compensation
- There are no sound policy reasons why the Crown should extend
the liability protection provisions of s308 to cover decisions
made with respect to a priority for amateur fishers. Parliament
has already considered the broad issues relating to the protection
of the Crown from liability arising from all fishery management
decisions including those arising from non-sustainability issues
(such as reallocation). Parliament decided that specific protection
from liability should only extend to sustainability decisions;
- The magnitude of any compensation arising from a decision to
implement a spatial priority for amateur fishers will in large
part depend on its impact on the ability of existing right holders
to exercise their rights, and the subsequent outcome of consideration
by the courts. These are unknowns and can only be determined on
a case-by-case basis. It is possible with economic modelling using
worst-case scenarios to develop a range of possible compensation
Other Reform Issues
The focus of the 8 December principles is primarily on a priority
right. There are other issues which may be beneficial to amateur
fishers and which might improve both the effectiveness of the allocation
process and management of fishery resources.
- A more transparent allocation process setting out in statute
the issues the Minister is required to consider. This
would better secure the amateur right to fish;
The management of important amateur fisheries
at other than Bmsy. This will involve trade offs for amateur
fishers as it may well involve lower over all fish stock numbers
but increased numbers of larger fish. As most of the significant
amateur fisheries are also commercial fisheries some additional
consultation mechanism.