Statute |
Section/Regulation |
Impact on common
law right |
Fisheries Act 1908
(applies to the taking of all fish and shell fish except salmon
and trout) |
S5 regulation making powers |
Power to impose conditions/restrictions on the taking of
fish etc;
Power to prescribe minimum sizes/weights of fish that may
be taken;
Power to fix minimum net mesh sizes;
Power to prohibit public use of oyster beds;
Power to prohibit the taking of any specified fish;
Power to set aside any tidal area for the purpose of fish
propagation. |
S10 conservation powers |
Governor General empowered to declare any species of fish
protected and to close particular areas to fishing or prohibit
particular fishing methods |
S50 permanent prohibition of fishing methods |
No dynamiting of fish |
Sea Fisheries Regulations 1939
(applied to the taking of fish) |
Imposed minimum size limits for blue cod; prohibited wind
buoy fishing; imposed restrictions on long line fishing; prohibited
the use of nets in certain locations; set minimum net mesh
sizes; restricted the use of fixed poles in net fishing. |
Fisheries (General) Regulations 1947 (applied to the taking
of fish) |
Net mesh size restrictions; restrictions on location of
fishing nets; restrictions on line fishing; bag limits for
swordfish; minimum size limits for specified fish |
Fisheries (General) Regulations 1950 and amendments
(applied to the taking of fish) |
Net size and mesh size restrictions; Restrictions on location
of nets; restrictions on the duration of long line fishing;
size restrictions on specified fish. Bag limits introduced
under s5 of the principle legislation. |
Fisheries Act 1983 and amendments.
(Applied to the management and conservation of fisheries and
fishery resources within NZ and NZ waters.) |
Part One: fishery plans |
Power to establish plans to conserve, enhance, protect,
allocate, and manage the fishery resources |
S28D Allocation setting |
Minister required to allow for “maori, traditional,
recreational, and other interests” when setting TACC. |
Part Three: Taiapure-local fisheries |
Governor-General empowered to establish taiapure-local fisheries
with management committee and regulation making powers. |
S85 Closed seasons |
The Director General empowered to establish closed seasons
for any species (other than sports fish) and any area. |
S89 Regulation making powers |
Power to regulate the taking of any fish |
Fisheries (Amateur Fishing) Regulations 1986 |
Net mesh restrictions; minimum specie length; method prohibition
and restriction; restriction on use of pole or stakes; daily
bag limits |
Fisheries Act 1996 (similar application to 1983 Act.) |
S11 Sustainability measures |
Minister may set or vary any sustainability measure for
one or more stocks or areas |
S12 Fisheries Plans |
Minister may approve amend or revoke fishery plans |
S16 Emergency measures |
Minister may prohibit harvesting of fish etc in any area
or restrict methods used to harvest fish or set other limits
on the harvesting of fish. |
S21 Allocation |
Minister required to allow for “recreational interests”
when setting TACC. |
S89 Access |
Taking of any fish etc prohibited without current permit.
Specific exception for any person fishing in accordance with
amateur fishing regulations. |
Part Nine Taiapure-Local and Customary Fishing |
Minister empowered to set aside areas that have customarily
been of significance to iwi or hapu. Provision for local management.
S186A/B Closure |
Minister empowered to temporarily close areas of fisheries
waters. |
S297 Regulation making powers |
Minister may:
regulate or prohibit the taking or possession of any fish
etc; the taking of any fish from any area; the taking of any
fish in any time period or of any specified size; regulate
the number of fish taken or possessed or the methods used
to harvest the fish. |
S298 Further regulation making power |
Governor General may issue regulations for sustainability
purposes. |