Tauranga Boat Show Report
Nov 2001
Baypak Mount Cool, Totara
Street, Mt Maunganui
The show was a good opportunity to meet the people of Bay of Plenty
and raise awareness of the rights issue. Our attendance achieved
both objectives of increasing awareness and the support for option4.
option4 was there for Saturday & Sunday.
There was little awareness of Soundings or the proposed recreational
fishing reforms. After an explanation most people were keen to take
a copy of option4 Update # 11, read it and respond with a vote via
either email or postal vote.
70 people registered their support for option4 by submitting their
details and email addresses. It was good to meet so many online
supporters over the weekend. They were very positive about our work
to date. The option4 updates received via email are read, and all
opinion was positive re the frequency, length of update and content.
The majority of those online supporters had voted online re update
# 11. The ones who hadn't were encouraged to do so.
More than 250 update # 11's were issued over the 2 days option4
was present. 450 option4 stickers were distributed. RFC agreed to
distribute option4 stickers from their stand.
There was one request from an online supporter for the opportunity
to donate money via credit card. The number of people who attended
the show is not available.
Maori were very positive when made aware of the rights issue, with
a number asking for more than one copy of option4 Update # 11.