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Proposed Higham Road closure

Proposed Higham Road Closure by Rodney District Council

by option4




Court process and latest developments
Rodney District Council
Proposed Higham Road closure
Objections to proposal
Higham Road documents

Rodney District Council has proposed to close a paper road providing vehicle access to the Kaipara Harbour foreshore. The process has been shrouded in secrecy which has made it very difficult for the South Head Action Group to respond adequately to ensure ongoing access to the foreshore remains available. option4 agreed to assist the locals in responding by the Council's objection deadline of 2 June 2010.

The following documents are our record of the process leading up to the June deadline. This effort was made in the interests of maintaining access to the foreshore so that future generations of New Zealanders have the opportunity to fish, camp and enjoy our remarkable country.

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To achieve a good level of understanding the process we believe it is important to read the information in chronological order. Please help yourself to the information below. We welcome your feedback.

Note: Most recent documents are at the top of each section.

Proposed Higham Road Closure
Court process and latest developments

SHAG public meeting

A public meeting to discuss the latest developments in the attempted process to stop vehicle access through Higham Road to the Kaipara Harbour. An eight-person committe, chairman and treasurer of the Incorporated Society have been appointed. Meeting report now available.

6 Dec 10


SHAG letter to Board chairman

A letter from the South Head Action Group Inc. to Bob Howard, chairman of the newly formed Rodney Local Board, and copied to Board members. SHAG is available to meet with the chairman or the Local Board at a convenient time.

30 Nov 10


SHAG Briefing paper

A Briefing paper prepared by the South Head Action Group Incorporated, outlining the key concerns regarding the proposed stopping of Higham Road. This paper was provided to members of the Rodney Local Board, part of the newly formed Auckland Council.

30 Nov 10


Pre-hearing Court minute

A minute from the Environment Court following the Pre-hearing conference held on 29 November 2010. This minute clearly explains the Pre-hearing outcome and future process. A definite read!

29 Nov 10


SHAG Court memo

A memorandum to the Environment Court from counsel representing the South Head Action Group Incorporated. This Brookfield Lawyers letter outlines the issues, asks for information previously withheld by Rodney Council and rejects for now the offer of mediation, based on the alternative offer being unacceptable.

29 Nov 10


Pre-hearing outcome - a deferral until February 2011

A Pre-hearing conference held in the Environment Court, Auckland, was attended by counsel for all parties. The case has been deferred until 25 February 2011 to allow the Auckland Council to investigate and determine its position. Currently it is conflicted by being both representative of Rodney District Council, the original proposers, and the Auckland Regional Council as objectors.

29 Nov 10

CORANZ letter to Environment Court - must read!

A letter to the Environment Court urging the Auckland Council to drop the closure proposal and leave Higham Road open for public use. This letter from the Council of Outdoor Recreation Associations of NZ is a cracker!

26 Nov 10


Newsletter 2 - South Head Action Group (SHAG)

Second newsletter from the South Head Action Group (SHAG). Update of Court process, Pre-hearing conference details and advising of an organised walk over Higham Road to the Kaipara foreshore.

22 Nov 10


Newsletter 1 - South Head Action Group (SHAG)

First newsletter from the South Head Action Group (SHAG), includes directions on how to register as an interested party with the Environment Court.

16 Nov 10


Environment Court Pre-hearing notice

Environment Court notice of a Pre-hearing conference and details for attendance at the Hearing Room, Federal Street, Auckland. Pre-hearing scheduled for Monday, 29 November 2010. (Hard copy only)

11 Nov 10

Environment Court notification

The Environment Court letter advising submitters of the process and inviting applications to be a party to the proceedings, and asking people to clarify if they want to participate in Court-assisted mediation.

5 Nov 10


Environment Court Form 33

Environment Court Form 33 - an application to the registrar notifying the Court that a person wishes to be a party to proceedings. Completed forms were due with the Environment Court by 26 November 2010.

4 Nov 10


Environment Court documents

Simpson Grierson, acting for Rodney District Council, distribute to interested parties both the final letter to the Environment Court and final memo filed with the Court on 29 October 2010. (documents below)

3 Nov 10

Environment Court acknowledgement

Environment Court letter to applicant party's counsel acknowledging receipt of the application for directions regarding the proposal to stop Higham Road.

2 Nov 10


Auckland supercity

As of 1 November 2010 the Rodney District Council, Auckland City Council and Auckland Regional Councill no longer exist. All three entities were interested parties to the proposed road stopping process.

1 Nov 10

South Head Action Group

Active objectors to the proposed Higham Road closure form a group to fight against the proposal. The South Head Action Group is formed and a committee appointed.

1 Nov 10

Rodney Council Court memo

Simpson Grierson, acting for Rodney District Council, provide a memo to the Environment Court explaining the issue background and suggest that certain directions be made by the Court.

29 Oct 10


Rodney Council Court letter

Simpson Grierson, acting for Rodney District Council, advise the Environment Court that the Council wishes to lodge the 161 objections, to the proposed road stopping, with the Court. The letter's appendices include maps and detailed descriptions of the area concerned.

29 Oct 10


Rodney District Council

Rodney Council decision

The Rodney District Council did not uphold objections to the proposed closure of Higham Road, Kaipara. The matter was referred to the Environment Court on the Council's last day of existence. Subsequent matters would be dealt with by the new supercity Auckland Council.

29 Oct 10

Rodney Council hearing

Rodney District Councillors meet with proposal objectors and supporters to hear various comments in support of earlier submissions. The hearing was at Helensville Hall on 12 August. People were given 10 minutes speaking time each.

12 Aug 10

Rodney Council hearing invitation

Rodney District Council letter acknowledging the request to be heard in support of an objection to the proposed closure. A hearing will be held on 12 August at Helensville Hall. People will be given 10 minutes speaking time.

8 Jul 10

(Pdf 50Kb)

Rodney Council acknowledgement

Rodney District Council letter acknowledging submitters objections to the proposed closure of Higham Paper Road, Kaipara. The RDC will consider the responses and decide their next moves. A hearing is likely in July or August 2010...........

11 Jun 10

(Pdf 580Kb)

Alert #15 - Foreshore access under threat

Access to the foreshore is under threat now

A Rodney District Council scheme to close vehicle access to the Kaipara Harbour is a thinly disguised process to deny the public access to the foreshore. Act now to ensure foreshore access remains for all New Zealanders...........

27 May 10



Grace objection to proposed closure

This objection details the public versus private good interests in relation to the proposed closure and asks the Rodney District Council to withdraw its Notice of Intention to stop part of Higham Road, South Head, Kaipara Harbour........

1 Jun 10

(Pdf 200Kb)

CORANZ objects to proposed closure

The Council of Outdoor Recreation Associations of New Zealand objects to the proposed closure of Higham Road because public recreational access to the coast is a matter of national importance........

31 May 10

(Pdf 300Kb)

Rea objection to paper road closure proposal

Trish Rea's objection to the proposed closure of vehicle access to the Kaipara foreshore through Higham Paper Road. It is vital to maintain foreshore access for people who go fishing to feed themselves and their family............

31 May 10

(Pdf 80Kb)

Webber objection to road closure proposal

Ross Webber objects to the proposed closure of Higham Road and the piecemeal approach to planning by the Rodney District Council........

30 May 10

(Pdf 110Kb)

SHAG objects to proposed closure

The South Head Action Group objects to the proposed closure of Higham Road because this paper road is heavily used by the public and provides valuable vehicle access to the Kaipara Harbour foreshore......

30 May 10

(Pdf 120Kb)

Higham Road documents

Major concerns about the closure proposal

There are major concerns regarding the Rodney District Council's proposal to close vehicle access to the Kaipara Harbour via Higham Paper Road. Read the details here..........

27 May 10

(Pdf 80Kb)

Frequently Asked Questions

Rodney District Council is planning to close a safe public vehicle accessway to the Kaipara Harbour and sell the land to a private property owner. Read the Frequently Asked Questions to find out why they want to close this 120-year old road..............

27 May 10

(Pdf 460Kb)

Kaipara Paper Road Network

A Rodney District Council map of Paper Roads on the South Head Peninsula of the Kaipara Harbour. Interesting features and worth your perusal............

27 May 10

(Pdf 370Kb)

Sample objection form

A sample objection form to assist people in making their submissions to the Rodney District Council in opposition to the proposed closure of Higham Paper Road............

27 May 10

(Pdf 80Kb)

Key points about Higham Road

A summary paper explaining the Rodney District Council's process prior to the proposed Higham Paper Road closure becoming public knowledge............

27 May 10

(Pdf 160Kb)



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