MFish Consultation Plan
January 2002
ASB Bank House, 101 - 103 The Terrace,
PO Box 1020, Wellington, New Zealand.
Phone (04) 470-2600, Fax (04) 470-2601.
Te Tautiaki i nga tini a Tangaroa
29 January 2002
Mr Scott Macindoe
Dear Scott
Thank you for all the feedback that you provided on the draft consultation
plan. Several good
points were made and we have attempted to accommodate as much as
is possible while recognising that trade offs must be made. An amended
plan is attached for your information. We took particular notice
of the points made about the cost of participating in processes
of this nature and the issue of the location of seminars.
In response we have decided to develop a series of occasional papers
dealing with the issues that we identified as seminar topics for
wide distribution. MFish will obtain experts to write or review
these papers as appropriate. Details of these papers are contained
in the amended report attached. MFish will hold seminars to discuss
the papers where there is a demand while recognising that resources
are limited. MFish will also seek to have at least one seminar discussion
in each major region. This will allow everybody to participate and
to discuss their most pressing concerns with MFish and other speakers.
With this amended plan we are able to hold seminars later in the
year and retain some flexibility about the exact location and subject
matter. These issues can be discussed at a later date.
Some elements of the plan are constrained by cabinet decisions and
requirements. In particular this includes the cabinet decision making
process and the development of balanced advice with input from all
stakeholders and relevant departments.
There are several opportunities for stakeholder input in the next
year. During the formal consultation processes MFish will request
your views and note these in cabinet papers. Similarly the Select
Committee will formally request your views and input. However there
is also opportunity for less formal presentation of viewpoints or
proposals to MFish.
Thanks again for your input. We will contact you soon with a timeline
for the release of papers and discussions on seminar dates and locations.
Yours sincerely
Dylan James
Senior Policy Analyst
Ministry of Fisheries
Recreational Fishing Reform: Action Plan
This overall process will aim to support the development of policy
advice from the Ministry to the government to enable the cabinet
to make decisions on recreational management reform in 2003. It
will also aim to help stakeholders who participate to make their
viewpoints known to the Ministry and subsequently to the Minister
with good knowledge about the framework within which decisions will
be made. The deadlines that define the stages of the process are:
- The Minister of Fisheries must report back to Cabinet with a
recommended option for reform by 1 February 2003
- The Minister of Fisheries must report back to Cabinet on the
outcome of public consultation on the recommended option by 1
June 2003
Opportunities for stakeholder involvement in the process
There are several opportunities for stakeholder involvement throughout
the process:
- Policy discussions at seminars held by MFish on issues of importance
to stakeholders
- Informal proposals for incorporation into the Ministry's recommended
- Formal input into the public consultation
- Formal input into the Select Committee process
Phase one: February - July 2002
Occasional Papers and Seminars
The consultation processes to date have identified some issues of
concern to stakeholders and the Cabinet has outlined some constraints
and objectives of future policy development. In order to address
these issues and concerns MFish will commission papers on the issues
of most concern. Where demand exists, seminars can be held discussing
the papers with stakeholders. MFish can provide experts to speak
where this is beneficial. These meetings will consist of a presentation
followed by discussion and consideration of different viewpoints
on the issue at hand.
Suggested topics include:
- The Treaty of Waitangi and the Fisheries Settlement Act and
their implications for fisheries management
- International obligations, common law rights and related issues
- Property rights and their application to natural resource management
including the QMS and the management of commercial fisheries under
the Fisheries Act.
- Environmental objectives of government including the Fisheries
Act and the Marine Reserves Act
Given that there are stakeholders around the country and participation
can be expensive,
seminars will be held in the regions and only where a demand is
demonstrated. Seminars can be tailored to the concerns of different
regions and scheduled in consultation with stakeholders.
The objectives of this phase are to foster a broad understanding
of how options might meet the objectives and constraints that cabinet
has set for the development of options for reform. It will also
serve to make information available on the broader policy environment.
MFish encourages people to take advantage of experts and papers
that we provide and to this end MFish will publish the papers on
it's website.
MFish will be happy to consider proposals for incorporation into
the policy development process from stakeholders at any time during
this phase (prior to the formal input in the consultation phase).
Options will need to address the objectives that government has
identified and to be achievable within the constraints that have
been set.
Phase two: August 2002 - February 2003
Cabinet decisions on consultation options
The Cabinet deadline requires the Minister to report back with a
recommended option for public consultation by February 1 2003. The
role of the Ministry is to provide advice to the Minister to enable
him to achieve that. During this phase it is important to note that
the Ministry does not make decisions ? that is the role of the Minister
and the government. The Ministry is however tasked with providing
balanced advice in order to inform the government in its decision?making
A core role of the Ministry is to provide advice to the Minister
regarding his requests for advice to cabinet. There are strict guidelines
around the development of cabinet papers. These include consultation
with other departments and the incorporation of their views into
recommendations. The cabinet paper development process remains confidential
until the decision has been made. There is no direct role for stakeholders
during the development of cabinet papers. The Minister may release
cabinet papers to the public subsequent to decisions being made.
Phase three: February 2003 - June 2003
Public Consultation on the recommended option
The Cabinet requirement is for MFish to report back with the results
of public consultation by 1 June 2003. Once the cabinet has approved
an option for public consultation (see above) the Ministry will
conduct a public consultation process. The exact nature of this
process is yet to be finalised but would include a discussion document,
focus groups and website publications. There is a significant role
for stakeholders during this process that includes feedback on the
recommended option and articulation of their views to be included
in cabinet recommendations.
Phase Four: July 2003 - December 2003
Select Committee consideration of legislative change
There is a further major role for stakeholders should legislative
amendments be contemplated via the Parliamentary Select Committee
process. This allows stakeholders to submit their views on legislative
amendments while they are under consideration by the Select Committee.
This is a formal process that allows stakeholders to discuss issues
directly with decision makers in government before the parliament
makes final decisions on amending the law.