Letter to option4 from Minister's office
March 2004
Hon David Benson-Pope
Minister of Fisheries
Minister Responsible for
the Law Commission
Associate Minister of Justice
Associate Minister for the
Member of Parliament for
Dunedin South
29 March 2004
Paul Barnes
P O Box 37 951
Dear Mr Barnes
On behalf of the Minister
of Fisheries, Hon David Benson-Pope, I acknowledge receipt of your
letter dated 26 March 2004 introducing the option4 movement. Thank
you for taking the time to write to the Minister.
I have placed your letter
before the Minister for his information. Undoubtedly the Minister
will soon begin dealing with those issues close to your heart as
he rapidly comes to terms with the complexities of the Fisheries
Portfolio. Correspondence and meetings will inevitably follow, and
I look forward to facilitating a beneficial relationship such as
you had with the previous Minister of Fisheries.
Yours sincerely
Jolene Key
Private Secretary (Fisheries)
Parliament Buildings, Wellington,
New Zealand.
Email: www.labour.org.nz
Telephone: (04) 470 6567
Facsimile: (04) 499 7393