The Ministry of Fisheries has asked for comment on the future management of kahawai in New Zealand. Submissions were due by Friday 13 August. NZ Sport Fishing Council, the Hokianga Accord and option4 have prepared a submission on behalf of non-commercial fishers. This is now available online at the kahawai page here »
This is your opportunity to comment directly to the Ministry on the quality of kahawai fishing in your area, the management options and any changes you have experienced over the years. It will only take a couple of minutes.
We believe you deserve to have your feedback and concerns highlighted in the final advice paper to the Minister. Kahawai are the ‘people’s fish’ - HAVE YOUR SAY NOW.
Submissions closed 13 August 2010, but do not let this date put you off expressing your views on the quality of kahawai fishing in your area. A Ministerial decision is expected before 1 October 2010.