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Letter of consensus between NZBGFC, NZRFC and option4 to the Minister 8 December 2002

1144 Pukaki Street

Attention Jason Ward

Request for an extension to present submissions to the Volkner Rocks Marine Reserve proposal.

Dear Jason,

We write requesting an extension of time to enable us to prepare submissions to the Te Paepae Aotea (Volkner Rocks) Marine Reserve proposal.

The notice inviting submissions to this proposal was dated 14/11/02. The notice gave two months for submissions to be prepared and presented with a closing date of 14/1/03.

We have simply not been able to coordinate the resources to prepare submissions in this time frame. Under normal circumstances two months is not sufficient for us to promote the all important and very necessary processes that our respective organisations require to consult with members and the public at large, never mind coordinating the people required to compile and check the submission to the extent that is deemed necessary. The local clubs and individuals who have sought guidance from our groups have also indicated that they need more time to submit to the best of their ability.

On this occasion the two-month period finishing on 14/1/03 has coincided with the pre Christmas rush and the New Zealand holiday period of Christmas and New Year. Most of those individuals who work so hard to represent the fishing public of New Zealand are not available to contribute over this period. We are, generally speaking, family orientated people who put family first at this time of year. There are no waged or salaried people currently employed by these organisations, who might be expected to coordinate and polish submissions during this time of celebration and rest.

We are aware most fishing clubs don't hold a monthly meeting during the month of December and clubs who had their monthly meeting prior to 14/11/02 have not had the opportunity to discuss the matter amongst themselves. Some clubs committees may not have even seen the documentation at this stage.

To that end, we formally request an extension to the submission deadline and undertake to deliver submissions by 14/2/02. We would expect this extension to be available to all submitters.

We very much look forward to your agreement and consent to this request. A response in the affirmative would certainly be seen as a show of good faith and enthusiasm by the Department to hear what all sectors of the public have to contribute to the proposal.

We, the undersigned, remain yours in good faith,

Ross Gildon, President, NZRFC

Jeff Romerill, President, NZBGFC

Paul Barnes, Project Leader, option4.co.nz

The reply from DoC received the same day

Dear Scott,
Thank you for your email and attached letter outlining your request for a time extension for Te Paepae Aotea (Volkner Rocks) Marine Reserve Submission period.

The Department has no legal power under the Marine Reserves Act 1971 to grant extensions to the mandatory 2 month time period for public objections to a marine reserve application. However, provided brief objections are received no later than 14 January 2003, the objectors are entitled to elaborate or expand on the details of that objection by providing a further written submission at a later date. It is essential that if you wish to be part of the process that notice of objection is received on or before 14 January 2003. To ensure that all relevant material is received by the Minister of Conservation more detailed grounds for objections should be provided to the Department as soon as reasonably possible (by 14 February 2003). Please note that the right to make a more detailed objection is only available to those that have lodged an objection within the submission period (ie between 14 November 2002 and 14 January 2003).

It is recommended that anybody that lodges an objection, and wishes to provide a further written submission at a later date, states this intent on their objection.

I trust that this will enable you the time to lodge objections (submissions)

Yours faithfully
Jason Ward
Community Relations Officer (Coastal Planner)
BOP Conservancy

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