Tiritiri Process Timeline
by Tiri Action Group
February 2003
Policies / Agenda of NZUA
- NZ Underwater's president has stated in print (their newsletter/magazine issue 2) that they intend to aggressively pursue a policy of having Marine Reserves in place covering the 10% of coastline in only half the time mentioned in legislation. (By 2005 I believe)
- NZ Underwater's Marine Reserve policy is for them to have a member on the Management Committee for Marine reserves, also for them to be able to appoint Honorary Rangers. Remember that legislation allow DoC to levy operations within Marine Reserves 7.5% of turnover.
NZ Underwater's Track Record to date.
- NZ Underwater were supposed to have contacted interest parties to assess their views on the proposal. Only two organisations, dive local retailers, can be found who were contacted - no boating or fishing clubs or coastguard - One only replied that we can find - opposed to project.
- Boaties and visitors to Tiritiri Matangi were canvassed during 2002 asking opinion of a marine reserve at Tiritiri. Most agreed, although no area was mentioned and they assumed a small area around Tiritiri Matangi only was involved. Some have come forward, highly annoyed at being used by NZ Underwater to present a false picture of support.
- The approach to the Rodney District Council's Environment Committee where a totally biased presentation had the committee agree in principal to proposal. It is customary for proposals to present views both for and against. Not done by NZUA.
- The proposal was released to the public on approx 23rd December to minimise the possibility of any organised opposition over the Xmas break. Final date for submissions, 28th Feb 2003.
- Still no real contact made with interested parties at the date of release of proposal to the public on 23rd December.
- At meeting organised by TAG in January safety issue concerns were expressed by search and rescue. NZUA replied to the effect that safety is not their problem – it is up to boaties to decide when and where they go. This from an organisation which granted permission under legislation to issue certificates to Skippers of Small Commercial Dive Boats. (Skippers of similar sized Charter Fishing Boats go through MSA)
- Approximately one week after NZ Underwater were made aware of the organised opposition, a letter complete with NZ Underwater discussion document, was sent to all Forest and Bird, Auckland Committee members by Sarah Gibbs of Forest and Bird Auckland, asking for support of Marine Reserve Proposal.
- On 4th February, Forest and Bird sent out their newsletter to all of their members New Zealand wide (somewhere between 40,000 and 70,000 members) with copies of the reply postage paid, questionnaire from NZ Underwater asking that they complete and return to NZ Underwater supporting the Marine Reserve Proposal.
- About the same time an addition was posted on their website page that shows all marine reserves proposals. This gave details of where to find downloadable reply postage paid questionnaire for this proposed reserve on the web along with a request to support the proposal. Check it out - www.ForestandBird.org.nz
- NOTE the fact that only Overwhelming Public Opposition will result in a Marine Reserve Proposal being dropped at this stage. - Even a small number of replies from Forest and Bird members could prevent this.
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