Letter to NZUA regarding Tiritiri Proposal
by Ngati Whatua
4 February 2003
Mahi Logistics Resource Management
Ngati Whatua
Jane West
PO Box 66147, Beach Haven
2nd floor, The Strand, Takapuna
Phone 021 106 1691
Email: mjkaipara@hotmail.com |
Peter Crabb
Environmental Co-ordinator
NZ Underwater Association
PO Box 875
Tena koe e Peter
Proposed Tiri Tiri Matangi Marine Reserve
Pursuant to my korero spoken at the 23 January meeting at Stanmore Bay, I reiterate my request that the association look to withdraw its proposal until such time that the inter-sectoral talks draw to a conclusive direction.
I confirm my concerns regarding your consultation processes with iwi Maori katoa and your groups’ reluctance to factor in mechanisms to achieve the inclusion of traditional Maori management tools. I consider the platform used by Karli Thomas following advice given to the association from Department of Conservation is considered inadequate in that the association should actively take into consideration the full impact that this project will bring about.
I agree with the association’s concern as to the fragmented manner in which marine reserves are being created by Crown ministries and managed by territory authorities. In light of your statement, I consider it prudent that your association withdraw its application for the creation of another marine reserve until such time there is an integrated regional framework and policy on marine reserves.
I am aware that this process can be achieved given the reasons for the Aquaculture moratorium. In this instance, I would also consider it advisable to sponsor a hui among hapu and iwi to discuss the logistics of your proposal fully. This would encompass the ‘no take’ policy of marine reserves and the impact of such an application on iwi Maori customary rights as per Article II of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
I have mentioned iwi Maori customary rights due to your consideration of the triple bottom line pointers of the social, cultural and environmental aspects that your presentation eluded to.
In reiterating my request to your association, my kaitiaki responsibilities remain. To that end, I suggest that there be some discussion toward looking at other mechanisms, albeit it traditional Maori or alternative methods, to achieve the purpose of restocking and restoring the mauri of the waters that your association also advocates.
Should there be any questions as to my request, please contact me in the first instance. In closing, I consider a collaborative approach could be achieved to reach likeminded outcomes.
Noho ora mai
Jane West
Ngati Whatua taku iwi
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