Letter to NZUA - Budget for Tiritiri Marine Reserve
by Tiri Action Group
4 July 2003
New Zealand Underwater Association Inc.,
PO Box 875 Mt Eden
Attention Peter Crabb
Dear Peter
Budget for Proposed Tiritiri Matangi Marine Reserve
A copy of the budget details provided to Trish Rea was distributed to each member of the TAG committee for comment. Frankly, their response has been unanimously disappointment and disbelief that the NZUA felt it is a credible document.
- The NZUA sponsored initiative to promote the marine reserve has been established for at least two to three years according to sources from within your organisation. It would be reasonable to assume that your Membership has not only approved the initiative, but also the annual budgets. However, the prolonged delay in providing the budget details inevitably raises serious doubts or a least suspicions from our perspective, that it has been deliberate!
- It is a matter of record that the Department of Conservation and Project AWARE are supporting the NZUA initiative both financially and technically. A budget of $110k is a substantial commitment, yet there is no breakdown of the source of these funds. It is doubtful that the NZUA Members are altruistic enough to contribute significantly to these.
- A lot of emphasis has been given in your promotional propaganda to the scientific benefits of establishing the reserve. It is strange that you have yet to determine the fees for the consultants who will be needed to produce the supporting evidence.
- A breakdown of the costs allocated to 'printing, advertising and public notification' would have helped clarify the confusion created by the conflicting statements made by NZUA and DoC spokespersons early in the year.
- 'Salaries' and 'Overheads' are other significant budget items that have not been explained. As you are already a part-time, but salaried employee of NZUA, it would indicate that there are or will be more personnel involved. In for the long haul?
In summary Peter, the budget details as presented to us, lack credibility and substance. The TAG Committee may not support the NZUA in its current marine reserve initiative, but this viewpoint is shared by a significant number of the local community whom we represent. Responding to a valid request for information the way you have, reflects badly on the organisation you represent. Pressure of the commitments associated with the recent NZUA Jubilee celebrations, may have been a contributing factor to the paucity of detail. In the circumstances, we trust that you will now have the time to provide us with the information requested.
Separately, Trish Rea will provide you with a list of the TAG Committee of unpaid volunteers.
In the meantime, we look forward to receiving an early response to our renewed request.
Yours sincerely
Rex Smith
(Chairman TAG Committee)
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