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Letter to Editor June 2004

Response to Chris Carter

by Alan Key

The Southland Times

11 June 2004


In response to your article on the Paterson Inlet reserve (June 5) I wish to comment on the rather obnoxious comments made by the Conservation Minister (Chris Carter).

He claims to be mystified by the stance taken by recreational fishers with regard to the process of setting up this reserve.

Either he is misinformed or has a conveniently short memory.

The Recreational Fishers group has done more for conservation in Paterson Inlet than he and all his other cronies put together.

As far back as 1989 we approached MAF about a problem with scallops and other fishing pressures in the inlet.

The idea of a marine reserve was mooted by Recreational Fishers then but for various reasons it was not thought by MAF to be a good idea.

In 1992, our group was instrumental in setting up the Paterson Inlet Fisheries Working Group and in conjunction with MAF this group produced a management plan (1996).

I could go on at great length about why a reserve is not actually needed.

There are indeed some rare brachiopod species in the inlet but with no dredging allowed and with the area surrounded by national park they are in no danger.

Furthermore, the other species quoted in the article are by no means unique to this area.

It is no secret that DoC has an agenda to create as many marine reserves as it possibly can.

While we may give it the benefit of the doubt as to its motives, we do not believe that bribing local Maori and totally ignoring the consultation process (about 80 percent of submissions to the proposal were against it) are either ethical or helpful in the long term.

Surely, a commonsense approach, with an eye to sustainability for future generations, and keeping in mind the fact that fishing has long been one of New Zealand's most popular sports, is a far better option than the sledgehammer tactics of this arrogant Government.

With co-operative management, and education coupled with careful fish-stock monitoring, we can all continue the tradition of visiting the coast for a feed of fish for the family.

Alan Key


Note: Alan Key is chairman of the Southland Recreational Fishers Association


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