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Letter to Editor June 2004

Head of Wilderness

by Brian Dean

The Southland Times

14 June 2004


The Minister of Conservation's inane criticisms of recreational fishers are based on ignorance and misinformation.

No organisation has done more for marine conservation in Paterson Inlet than recreational fishers, particularly Mr Alan Key.

Recreational fishers raised the idea of a marine reserve in 1989 and then in 1996 worked with MAF to establish the Paterson Inlet Protection Plan.

Recreational fishers attend regular meetings in Dunedin and Invercargill to provide the flow of information to the MOF, have a representative on the Guardians of Fiordland and the Bluff Shellfish Working Group, to name a few.

Recreational fishers have always promoted a corroborative approach to fisheries management, to provide win-win solutions. However, Mr Carter has chosen to ignore the 75 percent of submissions opposing a marine reserve in favour of imposing his own beliefs, and those of a small minority, upon us all.

I would suggest to Mr Carter that the only thing that requires protection is democracy – from the arrogant and dictatorial approach taken by himself and DOC.

It defies belief that the minister can't understand why he has few allies.

It would seem appropriate that Mr Carter, as Minister of Conservation, appears to possess New Zealand's only true wilderness. It lies between his ears.

Brian Dean



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