Date: Tuesday 12 August 2003
Subject: 07960 (2003) Published – Conservation – Normal Reply
Question: What additional new reserves are intended to be put forward for public consultation by his department, and what additional new reserves are currently being considered by his department?
Portfolio: Conservation
Minister: Hon Chris Carter
Date Lodged: 08/08/2003
Answer Text: The additional new marine reserves currently being considered by my department are Glenduan (North Nelson), Taputeranga (Wellington South Coast), Parininihi (North Taranaki) and Paterson Inlet (Stewart Island), which are all well-advanced applications under discussion with the Ministry of Fisheries in respect to that Minister’s concurrence. Other formal applications at an advanced state include Whangarei Harbour and Te Paepae Aotea (Volkner Rocks). Initial proposals are being developed for northeast Great Barrier Island and Mimiwhangata (Northland), and two aged applications are to be revitalised at Kaikoura and Nugget Point (Otago). Site investigation work is also being carried out in a number of other locations, but these are not advanced enough to be specific as to location or whether formal applications will even follow.
In the case of terrestrial reserves it is not possible to be specific; at any given time a conservancy could be considering the acquisition of land for reserve purposes; there may be applications under consideration by the Nature Heritage Fund and Nga Whenua Rahui. The tenure review process in the South Island high country could also result in the creation of reserves. In most instances, public consultation is not statutorily required at the acquisition stage although it is during any classification processes that may follow, such as when the existing classification of a reserve is changed.
Questions asked in response to this email from Chris Carter
- When was the formal application for Te Paepae Aotea (Volkner Rocks) lodged?
- Is it correct procedure to lodge a formal application before the analysis of submissions to the proposal has been released for public scrutiny?
- Is the formal application for Te Paepae Aotea based on the analysis of submissions or was it formulated before the submissions were analysed?
- Has the formal application been advertised, if so where?
When we receive a response to these questions they will be posted online for your information.