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Mimiwhangata Marine Reserve Proposal

Department of Conservation

2004 - 2006


DoC initiated another marine reserve proposal on 2 August 2004. This time it is to change the Mimiwhangata marine park to a marine reserve. Still no real indication of a coordinated, integrated approach to marine protection from the Department of Conservation.

Vern Tonks is very active regarding this proposal and is working with a group of interested parties including tangata whenua to establish the Guardians of Mimiwhangata. Give Vern a call if you want to know more on 09 4336581.

The original submission deadline for responses to the marine reserve proposal was 12 October 2004.

If you would like to make a comment to option4 you can email us at contact@option4.co.nz

If you would like to contact the Department of Conservation details are as follows:

Email - mimiwhangata@doc.govt.nz

Postal - Department of Conservation Northland Conservancy Office, PO Box 842 Whangarei.


Public Awareness
Nupere Ngawaka, kaumatua of Whananaki urges people to work together to have kaitiakitanga in place for the benefit of the whole community. Recommended reading!

17 Jul 06

Active management of Mimiwhangata is being offered as an alternative to reserve plans, in this article.

13 Jul 06

DoC: We are talking with locals and iwi

Article from Northland with differing views on the consultation process that the Dept of Conservation is having with Mimiwhangata's locals and iwi.

9 May 06

DoC's one sided proposal

DoC attempt to create a marine reserve is one-sided, misleading and denies Maori their statutory right to practice kaitiakitanga (guardianship).

Apr 2006

Submissions to Proposal
Howard Gumbley submits, "I believe the proposed reserve will severely impact our ability to fish in this region, limiting the area available, and increasing the fishing pressure on the area outside the proposed reserve."

Oct 2004


In response to a newspaper article Chris Mills sent this submission to the Northland Conservancy.

Oct 2004

" I don't believe that DoC have exhibited the competence to be put in control of such an area close to the coast and of significant value to recreational fishers...." says Brian Keene

Sept 2004


A report from the public meeting held in Whangarei. Still no answers to so many questions.

8 Sep 04


Meetings to discuss this proposal are being held at the following venues at 7pm:

Sept 7 -  Matapouri Marae. Tuesday

Sept 8 -  Cafler Suite, Forum North, Rust Ave, Whangarei. Wednesday

Sept 14 - Russell Hall, Bay of Islands. Tuesday

Sept 15 - Paihia War Memorial Hall. Wednesday

Sept 2004

The Proposal

The proposal document and related information can be found on the DoC website.

Aug 2004

Proposal Rebuttal

The Mimiwhangata marine reserve proposal rebutted. Full comment and information available on the Seafriends website.

Aug 2004


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