This is an extract from the full agenda for the Hauraki Gulf Forum meeting. The full agenda can be read at
Emma Rush (DOC): 21 May 2003
The purpose of this report is to provide an update about the marine reserve proposals that are currently being promoted in the Hauraki Gulf area.
The Department of Conservation is proposing to establish a marine reserve on the north-eastern coast of Great Barrier Island.
Consultation with iwi
Two hui have been held during the past six months with Ngati Rehua at the request of the Ngati Rehua Trust Board (NRTB), one on GBI and one in Auckland. No formal response to the proposal has been received from Ngati Rehua yet. Discussions between DOC and the NRTB to date indicate that the NRTB is supportive of marine conservation but wish to continue exercising their customary rights in the proposed marine reserve area.
A meeting was held in February 2003 with Ngatiwai. The Hauraki Maori Trust Board has also received information about the proposal.
Consultation with stakeholders
A discussion document and questionnaire about the marine reserve proposal was distributed to stakeholders and the wider public in early March 2003. Around 7,500 documents have been distributed to date to a variety of individuals and organisations. The department has received approximately 160responses to date, with about 60 percent of these being supportive.
Staff from the department have spent a lot of time over the past year discussing the proposal with Great Barrier residents, fishing interests, conservation groups and the like. Since the release of the discussion document, several public meetings have been held on Great Barrier Island. In addition, meetings have been heId with Auckland-based individuals and organisations.
The views of locals are mixed with the main concern being the need to travel to other areas of the island to collect shellfish and fish if the marine reserve is established. Staff from the department are discussing with locals options to mitigate this concern e.g. excluding part of Whangapoua Estuary from the marine reserve to allow continued access to shellfish beds.
A large amount of interest has come from the recreational fishing sector, with many arguing that the establishment of any no-take marine reserve will unnecessarily impinge on their right to fish for food. The commercial fishing sector has indicated it is not supportive of this proposal.
Where to from here?
The department has asked for all questionnaires and responses to the discussion document to be submitted by 30 June 2003. AII views expressed will be considered by the department before any plans are made to notify a marine reserve application under the Marine Reserves Act 1971.
The New Zealand Underwater Association (NZU) is proposing to establish a marine reserve in the vicinity of Tiritiri Matangi Island and the Whangaparaoa Peninsula.
The association produced and distributed a public discussion document and questionnaire in December 2002. Responses were to close at the end of February this year but this deadline was extended until March 31 at the request of several groups interested in the proposal.
Nearly 9,000 questionnaires and other responses to the discussion document were received by NZU. The majority of these (6,600) were submitted by the Tiritiri Action Group. The Action Group, established in February 2003 to oppose the marine reserve proposal, is mainly made of Whangaparaoa-based recreational fishers.
NZU is currently analysing the responses to the discussion document. Due to the strong reaction from local Whangaparaoa residents, NZU has identified that further pre-statutory consultation will be required before a marine reserve application is notified. In addition to further consulting the community, NZU must undertake more consultation with the iwi and hapu who have ties to the Tiritiri Matangi Island/Whangaparaoa Peninsula area.
The no-take Tawharanui Marine Park has offered protection to marine biodiversity within its boundaries since it was established in 1981. The Auckland Regional Council believes there is a lack of public understanding of the protection afforded to the area by marine park status and therefore wishes to apply to establish a marine reserve in an area similar to the one that the marine park currently covers.
The council distributed a document entitled Proposal to Change the Status of the Tawharanui Marine Park to a Marine Reserve earlier this year and has sought the views of iwi and key stakeholders on the proposal. The council is carrying out further consultation with iwi and key stakeholders before it moves forward and makes a marine reserve application for the Tawharanui area.
C.2.5 NOTE
Please note that the Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society and the West Coast Working Group are currently pursuing a proposal to increase the level of protection afforded to the marine environment on Auckland's West Coast.
That the report be received.