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DoC Response To Submission 2004

DoC Update

11 November 2003

(from DoC website)


Results of Questionnaire

The Department of Conservation received a total of 1,863 submissions on its proposal to establish a marine reserve on the northeast coast of Great Barrier Island.  A report summarising the results of the submissions has been posted to all submitters, and can be downloaded as a PDF here:

Results of the Questionnaire - Summary Report (Pdf, 398K)

A more detailed report, ' Great Barrier Island marine reserve proposal - Summary of submissions to proposal', can also be downloaded.  This report is a 202-page spreadsheet.

Summary of Submissions - Summary Spreadsheet (Pdf, 552K)

Where to from here?

Submitters have raised a wide range of issues and conveyed a lot of information that the department now needs to work through.  The department believes that the marine habitats off the northeast coast of Great Barrier Island are some of the most special and diverse of the Hauraki Gulf , with huge potential for scientific study.  However, iwi, the local community and stakeholders have raised a number of legitimate concerns about the existing proposal and the department needs to consider these issues further.  In addition, the questionnaire responses have shown that more information is needed in some areas, such as how people use the north-east coast of Great Barrier Island. 

The next step is for the department to take a hard look at submissions, fill in some gaps in information and discuss issues raised with key affected parties.  Progress reports will be posted here. For further information, please contact Emma Rush on ph +64 9 307 9279.


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