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NZBGFC News Oct 2004

NZ Big Game Fishing Council
October 2004

We wish to invite you to check out the revamped New Zealand Big Game Fishing Council (NZBGFC) website and join in the promotional offer of some great Penn fishing reels if you elect to join the database and receive further fishing related information.  

Site Address: www.nzbgfc.org.nz 

The NZBGFC has been a strong supporter of option4 since its formation and have adopted its principles. Currently the NZBGFC is an active party along with option4 and Recreational Fishing NZ in the kahawai campaign which will address the Minister of Fisheries' recent poor allocation decision on kahawai and better establish our rights in future decisions on fisheries management. We believe this will be the biggest venture by any representative group on your future ability to continue to fish for food or recreation. This was endorsed by our delegates at our recent annual conference when the council agreed to contribute up to $125,000 towards the cause. Many of our clubs are also contributing directly to the cause, that's how strongly they feel about kahawai.

Our website also includes current information in all areas of recreational fishing from deep sea fishing for big fish to inshore fishing for the likes of snapper and kahawai. There are sites and/or links to all our 61 clubs throughout the country. Current world and NZ records can be found. For the sporting minded a quick check of this can expose good species to target in your area to get your name after a world or NZ record title.

We list the comprehensive International Game Fishing Association rules plus additional NZ rules to claim records. These are normally part of any contest hosted by any of the affiliated clubs. Plus you will be able to find out the very latest on major issues within the NZBGFC that may concern all our 33,000 members.

Come and have a look you may find something of interest to you or at the very least be in with a chance to win some great reels.


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