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Hauraki Gulf News Oct 2004

Barrier & Waiheke Island Rubbish Barges Removed

14 October 2004

People who use the Great Barrier Island and Waiheke Island rubbish barge facilities should be aware that the Auckland City Council (ACC) has discontinued these services.

The Recreation and Community Services Department of Auckland City (RAC) has made this decision. This was decided in June as part of the Annual Plan. Council Staff and not the Councillors decided it. It seems the Councillors were not even canvassed about this change.

The Manager of the RAC Department is Cameron Parr.

Do we, the Barrier and Waiheke Island residents want to return to the days of floating debris littering the island foreshores, some of it capable of blocking engine cooling water intakes?


Do we want to damage the environment and wildlife?


It is up to the boating public to make the ACC aware that it is a very valuable service.


If you would like to make your views known the following emails are provided for your convenience. We cannot take a step backward if we want to protect our precious marine environment.


Cameron Parr - RAC Manager



Faye Storer - Councillor for the Hauraki Gulf Islands


Don't forget Dick Hubbard - brand new Mayor and hopefully impressionable.



Ian McDonald - member of Bucklands Beach Yacht Club


Ph: 0274 930 593

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