2 (TAR2)
Management Programme Review
The management of Tarakihi
2 (TAR2) and Tarakihi 3 (TAR3) was reviewed during the 'post-April'
sustainability round process in 2004. Tarakihi was considered under
the review of Adaptive Management Programmes (AMPs) alongside six
other species.
An explanation on what
AMPs are can be found
here » »
The Ministry of Fisheries issued its Initial Position Paper (IPP)
for tarakihi and six other species in May 2004. Submissions were
due by 11 June 2004. The Minister, David Benson-Pope issued his
final decision in September 2004. The Ministry of Fisheries's Final
Advice Paper (FAP) was released simultaneously.
option4 Input
Due to the focus on the
kahawai issue option4 did not have the resources to respond to this
process by the submission deadline. We do not believe Adaptive Management
Programmes are appropriate management tools to use for inshore shared
fisheries. We will be making more comment on AMPs in due course.
To achieve
a good level of understanding of complex fisheries management scenarios
we believe it is important to read the available data in good order.
For this fishery management
proposal we present the available information:
- The Ministers Final Decision for the species.
- The MFish Final Advise Paper (FAP) incorporating stakeholders
- The Ministry of Fisheries (MFish) management proposal as presented
in the Initial Position Paper (IPP)
- Submissions to the IPP, as available.
- Any updates relating to this species.
- Articles and Letters relating to this fishery, as available
Tarakihi Areas
New Zealand is divided into 10 areas for the management of Tarakihi
Tarakihi 2 |
Final Decision
The Minister of Fisheries's approval
for a 10% increase in TACC under the guise of an Adaptive Management
Programme to "reflect recent commercial catch levels..."
Sept 2004
(Pdf 30Kb)

Final Advice Paper
The Final Advice Paper from the Ministry of Fisheries on
the AMP proposal for TAR2 and other species. (Note:
large document) |
Aug 2004
(Pdf 1.1Mb)

Ministry of Fisheries - IPP
Initial Position
Paper (IPP) from the Ministry of Fisheries on the Adaptive
Management Programme Reviews for tarakihi, bluenose, elephant
fish, john dory, pale ghost shark, school shark and red gurnard.
large document)
May 2004
(Pdf 1.0Mb)

MFish - IPP Letter |
Introductory letter from the Ministry of Fisheries (MFish)
asking for submissions on the IPP which includes tarakihi 2.
May 2004
(Pdf 20Kb)
