Permits Proposal
of Fisheries
- July 2008
Ministry of Fisheries (MFish) is seeking comments on a proposal
to add a new purpose to issue special permits under section
97(1)(c) of the Fisheries Act 1996.
consultation, approval will be sought from the Minister of
Fisheries (the Minister). The MFish Initial Position Paper
(IPP) was released on 26th May 2008.
Further information on the proposals is on the MFish
new purpose
MFish’s proposed
new purpose is:
“To allow persons or organisations to take fish from stocks
with a nominal total allowable catch in conjunction with a research
programme that is likely to provide sufficient information to
establish commercial catch limits in accordance with statutory
of new purpose
MFish consider the current purposes for issuing special permits
do not provide an appropriate mechanism to permit commercial exploratory
fishing, research and data collection programmes that will help
establish a more informed catch limit in the future.
This new purpose would only be applied to stocks within the Quota
Management System (QMS) and where information on stocks with very
low total allowable catches is unavailable or inadequate. No future
quota allocations will be based on special permit activities.
the submission process MFish will provide a Final Advice Paper (FAP),
summarising submitters’ input, to the Minister for his consideration.
If approved, quota owners or their organisations will be able to
apply for a special permit immediately. MFish will consult with
stakeholders, “where relevant” [MFish], on each specific
application made under this purpose, as per s 97(2) of the Fisheries
Please note:
The most recent documents are at the top of each section.
Permits |
Submissions |
Joint submission on the MFish
proposal, from the New Zealand Big Game Fishing Council and
option4 teams. Both support the new purpose, conditional on
minimal impacts on the environment and non-commercial fishing
interests. |
7 Jul

Awareness |
A summary of
the issues raised in MFish's Special Permits Proposal Paper
and an outline of the Permit application process. Also included
is a brief summary of initial comments from non-commercial
fishing interest groups and individuals. |
5 Jun

provide your feedback to the option4 team
We look forward
to your comments and appreciate the effort required to understand
this not-so-easy to understand fisheries management proposal.
material |
Section 97 of the Fisheries
Act 1996 describing the purposes for which the MFish Chief
Executive can currently approve and issue a Special Permit. |

Documents |
MFish letter advising of
the consultation process to add another purpose to section
97 of the Fisheries Act 1996, to enable development of fisheries,
within the quota management system, on a permitted basis.
26 May

MFish' Initial Position Paper
detailing the proposed addition to add to the Fisheries Act
1996. The IPP outlines the issues and reasons why the amendment
is being proposed. |
26 May
