Cover Letter for Coromandel Scallops
Regulations Review
of Fisheries
July 2005
Dear Stakeholder
The purpose of this document
is to seek your views on Ministry of Fisheries (MFish) proposals
to amend a series of regulations that are of concern to recreational
fishers. In late 2003 a commitment was made to review aspects of
recreational fisheries regulations that were considered by the sector
to be inequitable or outdated. As a first step in the process, the
NZ Recreational Fishing Council (the Council) nominated five issues
to be reviewed:
- the 'primary' taker rule;
- measuring scallops and dredge oysters on the seafloor;
- methods of catching rock lobster;
- the Coromandel scallop amateur bag limit; and
- taking and possession of paua and mussels with underwater breathing
The proposals contained in
this document are the result of MFish's review of these five issues,
working in conjunction with representatives of the Council. The
document also contains a sixth proposal that seeks to allow the
possession of shucked scallops and dredge oysters on board a vessel.
This issue arose from consideration of the other rules relating
to scallop and dredge oyster fishing.
Final recommendations will
be provided to the Minister by early September 2005. Any regulatory
amendments required will be implemented at a subsequent date and
will follow the normal Cabinet process. If there are any changes
to recreational rules, MFish will advise stakeholders at the time.
MFish is formally consulting
on behalf of the Minister of Fisheries in relation to the proposed
changes, in accordance with the Minister's statutory obligations
to consult under the Fisheries Act 1996.
If you wish to make submissions
on this proposal please forward your comments to: Amateur Fishing
Regulations Amendments, Ministry of Fisheries, PO Box 19747, Avondale,
Auckland. Alternatively, electronic submissions can be emailed
to Sarah.Omundsen@fish.govt.nz
Should you wish to discuss
the content of the IPP please contact:
- Arthur Hore, Senior Fisheries Management Advisor; or Sarah Omundsen,
Fisheries Advisor on (09) 820 7771
Comments will need to be
received by 5 August 2005 .
Please note that all submissions
are subject to the Official Information Act and can be released,
if requested, under that Act. If you have specific reasons for wanting
to have your submission withheld, please set out your reasons in
the submission. MFish will consider those reasons when making any
assessment for release of submissions if requested under the Official
Information Act.
Yours sincerely
Arthur Hore
Senior Fisheries Management