of Harvest Estimates
“Review of Harvest Estimates from recent New Zealand National
Marine Recreational Fishing Surveys” by Robert Kearney, Professor
of Fisheries, University of Canberra – released in September
Over the last two decades there have been numerous surveys of recreational
fishing in New Zealand. The scope and scale of these surveys varied
enormously, as has the utility of the results.
In response to growing awareness of the magnitude and importance
of recreational fishing and the need to base management decisions
on adequate knowledge of all fisheries resource uses, the Ministry
of Fisheries commissioned the first large-scale national survey
of marine recreational fishing in 1995/96. A second national survey
was carried out in 1999/2000. Both of these surveys
produced a wealth of extremely valuable information on how many
anglers there are in New Zealand, the distribution and associated
demographics of marine recreational fishing throughout the country,
the amount of fishing done by individuals and the species caught
and their size distributions. The aggregate of this information
from each survey provided estimates of the total recreational harvest
from marine waters. The two estimates of the total harvest varied
approximately 300%.
As differences of this magnitude in estimates of the recreational
catch have significant implications for fisheries management and
resource use policy, a review of the results of the two surveys,
and in particular the reasons for the differences between them,
was commissioned in July 2002. This report represents the results
of that review.
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