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Paua management

by option4 and NZSFC




nz sport fishing council


Minister's decision
Final Advice Paper
NZSFC submission
MFish letter of advice
MFish Initial Advice
Working Group report  
paua management areas



In May 2011 the Ministry of Fisheries (MFish) initiated consultation on a proposal to remove Paua stocks from Schedule 5A of the Fisheries Act 1996.

Removing Paua from Schedule 5A would allow commercial fishers to carry forward up to 10 percent of Annual Catch Entitlement, if uncaught, into the next fishing year.

Submissions are due by 10 June 2011.

The proposal originates from the Paua Industry Council, the organisation established to support the five regional commercial stakeholder groups.

The MFish Initial Position Paper (IPP) is poorly written, bereft of many details and fails to establish a business case for removing Paua from Schedule 5A of the Fisheries Act 1996.

The New Zealand Sport Fishing Council (NZSFC) and option4 will be working together to develop a joint response to the proposal.


Having abundant Paua available provides for the social, economic and cultural wellbeing of all New Zealanders.

The NZSFC and option4 encourage non-commercial environmental and fishing interests, both customary and recreational, to review the following documents and respond before the 10 June 2011 submission deadline.


Paua 2011
The New Zealand Sport Fishing Council objects to the removal of Paua from Schedule 5A of the Fisheries Act 1996, to enable up to 10% of uncaught ACE to be taken in the following fishing year.

14 Jun 11


paua submission

Reference documents

Minister's decision
Phil Heatley's decision to approve removal of all Paua stocks from Schedule 5A of the Fisheries Act 1996. This will allow ACE holders to carry forward up to 10% of their uncaught ACE to the next fishing year.

25 Nov 11


Order in Council
On the recommendation of the Minister of Fisheries, Phil Heatley, the Governor - General passed an Order in Council approving the amendment of Schedule 5A of the Fisheries Act. From 1 October all Paua stocks will be omitted from Schedule 5A.

22 Aug 11

(PDF 230Kb)

MFish Final Advice Paper
In this Final Advice Paper the Ministry of Fisheries recommend that the Minister amends Schedule 5A to remove all Paua stocks. Phil Heatley followed their recommendation.

Nov 11


MFish Letter of Advice
The Ministry of Fisheries' letter advising of the Paua Industry Council's request to remove paua stocks from Schedule 5A of the Fisheries Act 1996. A link to the proposal document on the MFish website was included.

9 May 11


paua MFish letter 2010

MFish Initial Advice
The Ministry of Fisheries' Initial Position Paper (IPP) outlining the request from the Paua Industry Council to remove paua stocks from Schedule 5A of the Fisheries Act 1996. Submissions due by 10 June 2011.

Apr 2011


paua proposal 2010

Working Group Report - 2010
This MFish Working Group introductory report from May 2010 notes that there are separate reports for the various Paua managment areas. This document gives an overview of commercial harvest of Paua, landings versus the TACCs and estimated levels of harvest by amateur fishers.

May 2010

(Pdf 300Kb)

paua report 2010



Please provide your feedback to the option4 and NZSFC team. 
Thank you for taking the time to participate.



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