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New Species Media Statement

Minister Announces Fisheries Quota Management Decisions

David Benson-Pope

18 February 2005


Media Statement

Several more shellfish species are to be introduced into New Zealand's world leading quota management system (QMS), Fisheries Minister David Benson-Pope announced today.

However, he deferred a decision on the introduction of seaweed into the QMS and says two important tuna species will not be introduced at this time.

Mr Benson-Pope says having considered advice from the Ministry of Fisheries, and the views of fishing interests, he has decided to introduce most of the remaining stocks of cockle, pipi, tuatua, scallop, and dredge oysters that are not already in the quota system.  

"I am not satisfied that the current management regime is adequate for these stocks," says Mr Benson-Pope. "Entry of these fisheries into the QMS will enable a catch limit to be applied in the interests of sustainable use of these resources. This decision recognises the importance of these fisheries for recreational and customary Maori fishing interests.

From early March 2005 the Ministry of Fisheries will be consulting stakeholders about catch limits and allowances that should apply to these stocks. The Minister will then make decisions on these matters prior to the start of the 01 October 2005 fishing year.

Mr Benson-Pope says he has decided to defer the introduction of seaweed into the quota system to allow further work to be undertaken to determine the best manner in which such resources can be managed.

"I have also decided not to introduce skipjack and albacore tuna into the QMS as had been proposed by the Ministry," said Mr Benson-Pope. "I am satisfied that, based on the available information, the current management regime is adequately providing for the sustainable utilisation of these species."



Pete Coleman (Press Secretary)

(04) 471- 9685



Email: pete.coleman@parliament.govt.nz

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