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This letter contains my preliminary views on the sustainability measure and management control proposals that will be subject to consultation between MFish and myself and interested stakeholders. I request that stakeholders forward their submissions on these proposals to my office by Friday 26 July 2002. The date for receipt of submissions has changed from that stated initially by MFish.

Red Gurnard (GUR 3)

I support MFish’s proposal that a new five year programme under the AMP should be implemented for GUR 3. My initial view is to support the setting of a TACC of 700 tonnes. Current catches are well below the current TACC of 900 tonnes. A TACC of 700 tonnes should not unnecessarily constrain the GUR 3 fishery. There is the ability for fishers to seek an increase in the TACC during the course of the five year programme if supported by available information.

I also note that there is potential for interactions (albeit minimal) between Hectors dolphins and the target red cod and flatfish trawl fisheries. I encourage industry’s development of a scientifically based observer programme for trawling within the Canterbury set net area.

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