30 July 2003
The Honourable Pete Hodgson
Minister of Fisheries
Parliament Buildings
Dear Mr Hodgson
Soon you will be making your decision in regards to the
possible inclusion of yellowtail kingfish into the QMS this
year. While I realise submissions officially closed on June
13th, I have become aware of something I'd like to draw
your attention to.
In the most recent edition of "Seafood" magazine
there is an advertisement at the rear of the mag which caught
my eye. Despite no announcement pertaining to the aforementioned
inclusion, already there is a scramble to obtain KIN quota,
catch history or both. A well known Bay of Islands operation
is soliciting to obtain either or both quota or catch history.
Additionally I have heard from a reliable source that at
least one of the larger companies, Moana Pacific, is also
actively campaigning for the same commodities.
I would hope this might give you an indication of just
how important KIN is to the commercial sector. Additionally
it would seem obvious that because of their interest in
this important recreational gamefish they will be targeting
same, not merely utilised as a bycatch species. As a consequence
I would ask you to allow enough tonnage for historical bycatch
only, not huge amounts which will encourage large scale
Thank you for your consideration in this matter, I know
you have a lot on your plate.
Yours faithfully
Rick Pollock