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Kahawai Survey Response

Williams 2004

A Brief Comment on Kahawai Fishing from Coromandel North

Who am I?
Keith Williams, Construction manager, Auckland. Weekend recreational fisherman, ex commercial fisherman, ex fishing guide

Where do I fish?
88% Waitemata, 10% outer gulf, 10% Whangaroa (Northland), 2% west coast of Auckland.

What was the fishing like?
Early 1980's most trips around Rangitoto would see large schools of kahawai chasing bait fish (sometimes kahawai being the only fish caught for the day).

There were also large schools at Whangaroa and with them came thousands of birds eating the bait fish.

How has it changed?
January 2004 I spent time at the Mokohinaus, Great Barrier, Coromandel, Firth of Thames. There were no schools of kahawai and minimal bird life.

It seems to me the kahawai are an integral part of the chain between water and air.

In the last five months I have caught three very small kahawai off the rocks at Great Barrier and two large ones off a west coast beach.


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