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Appendix One


Hui Report

Appendix One

July 2005



Whakamaharatanga Marae Hui

Appendix One

Questions for MFish

In order to gain some understanding of Maori customary and fisheries management tools the following questions were put to the Ministry of Fisheries on May 20th, 2005. Written answers were requested from MFish prior to the hui so distribution could be organised well before the event and people had some background information before arriving at the hui.

  1. The specifics pertaining to the Maori customary tools available –
    1. Mataitai
    2. Taiapure
    3. Rahui
  2. MFish's definition of each of these tools.
  3. What is the maximum size these areas can be?
  4. What is the minimum size these areas can be?
  5. Where are these tools being used elsewhere in the country?
  6. The process, establishment and specific outcomes of these tools being
  7. Have these tools been sufficient to have an effect on finfish
  8. Have they been effective on shellfish, paua and crayfish?
  9. An explanation of biomass and MSY.
  10. An explanation of how this management strategy affects our access to be
    able to fish for our babies.
  11. What is the purpose of daily bag limits?
  12. What importance does the minimum size limit have on fish populations?


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