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Draft Fish Plan

Draft North Island West Coast Finfish Fisheries Plan

August 2009



The Ministry of Fisheries released a draft plan for the North Island West Coast (NIWC) finfish fisheries in late July 2009. MFish are seeking feedback on the draft plan prior to it being finalised and given Ministerial approval for implementation. An associated Information Brief contains a review of 30 fish stocks that are found on the west coast.

A copy of the draft finfish Fisheries Plan and Information Brief can be downloaded from the MFish NIWC Finfish plan web page.


Feedback is due to MFish by 16 October 2009. Submissions can be posted to Tracey Steel, Ministry of Fisheries, PO Box 1020, Wellington, or emailed to tracey.steel@fish.govt.nz.

A multi-sector Advisory Group spent more than 12 months developing the plan and will be tasked with reviewing the plan’s implementation on an annual basis.

A non-commercial representative and a tautoko person attended the initial planning meetings as the ‘eyes and ears’ of the Hokianga Accord, option4 and the New Zealand Big Game Fishing Council. Reports of these early meetings were distributed by email. Participation in the planning meetings was suspended in late July 2008 due to limited resources and other urgent matters.

Draft Plan
The NIWC fisheries draft document includes a five-year Implementation Plan and a monitoring and review process to measure performance and effectiveness.

The draft plan does not seek to address all stocks and issues associated with the NIWC fisheries. Future plans will address stocks and issues later identified as priorities.

Management changes or tools that require Ministerial approval will be assessed and consulted on, if implementation meets the purpose and principles of the Fisheries Act 1996. All reviews or changes are subject to available resources from MFish, and possibly stakeholders.

The Advisory Group has drafted four goals and 18 associated objectives to guide management of the NIWC finfish fisheries. Current performance has been assessed in relation to these objectives and risks to the fisheries identified on a scale of medium to very high.

There are four sub-sections outlining the rationale for each goal, associated objectives and their priority. An Implementation timetable is included in the draft plan and the table below.

Submission deadline

The deadline for submissions closed on 16 October 2009.

Your Input

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To achieve a good level of understanding of complex fisheries management scenarios we believe it is important to read the information in chronological order so you can follow the process.


Draft NIWC Fish Plan
A joint submission from the Hokianga Accord, the Wellington Recreational Marine Fishers' Association and option4 advocating for measures to restore abundance in important West Coast fisheries, as such the joint submitters do not support the draft plan in its present form.

16 Oct 09

(PDF 70Kbs)

Reference documents

Section 11A of Fisheries Act

A Fisheries Plan under section 11A of the Fisheries Act 1996 is a sustainability measure. Read section 11A of the Act here.........


Section 12 of the Fisheries Act

Section 12 of the Fisheries Act 1996 sets out the requirements of the Minister of Fisheries to both consult and provide for the input and participation of tangata whenua into sustainability measures that affect them, and have particular regard to kaitiakitanga (guardianship).....

(PDF 70Kb)

MFish documents

MFish consultation letter

The Ministry of Fisheries advise the draft North Island West Coast Finfish Fisheries Plan has been released for consultation. Submissions deadline is 16 October 2009.

31 Jul 09

(PDF 50Kbs)

MFish - Fisheries Plan summary
The Ministry of Fisheries document summarising the draft NIWC Fish Plan. This summary includes the goals, objectives and priority management actions as specified in the comprehensive draft Fisheries Plan.

August 09

(Pdf 890Kbs)

MFish - Fisheries Plan documents

The full version of the draft North Island West Coast (NIWC) Finfish Fisheries Plan including goals, objectives, management actions.


The draft NIWC Fisheries Plan Introduction explaining the process to date, the scope and status of the Plan. An outline of the high-level goals and what they mean is also included.

August 09

(PDF 290Kbs)

Sustainability Goal

The draft NIWC Fisheries Plan outline of the sustainability goal, the four objectives to achieve that goal, and the principles underpinning the objectives.

August 09

(PDF 180Kbs)

Inclusive Management Goal

The draft NIWC Fisheries Plan explanation of how the finfish fisheries will be managed inclusively to achieve better informed decisions, more credibility and more effectiveness.

August 09

(PDF 220Kbs)

Utilisation and Environmental Goals

The draft NIWC Fisheries Plan outline of the goals, contributing objectives and the principles underpinning the objectives to achieve a healthy marine environment.

August 09

(PDF 490Kbs)

Implementation and Monitoring

The draft NIWC Fisheries Plan Implementation Plan, Monitoring and Review Plan and Appendices One to Three, including a detailed gap and risk analysis of the goals.

August 09

(PDF 230Kbs)

Management Tools Timeline

The draft NIWC Fisheries Plan timetable outlining the difficulty rating of each objective within the Fish Plan and expected time of implementation. Eleven objectives have prioritised to be completed by December 2010.

August 09

(PDF 30Kbs)

Appendix Four - Background information

Background information of the North Island West Coast environment, fisheries and stakeholder use and value.

The draft NIWC Fisheries Plan Appendix Four - Information Brief Part One.

August 09

(PDF 970Kbs)

The draft NIWC Fisheries Plan Appendix Four - Information Brief Part Two.

August 09

(PDF 830Kbs)

The draft NIWC Fisheries Plan Appendix Four - Information Brief Part Three.

August 09

(PDF 530Kbs)

The draft NIWC Fisheries Plan Appendix Four - Information Brief Part Four.

August 09

(PDF 590Kbs)


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