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Crayfish - Rock Lobster

Crayfish - Rock Lobster Management

by option4 and NZSFC

2010 - 2011


2011-12 Concession review

2010 to 2011


Minister's decision Amended 2011 decision Preliminary comments
MPI Final Advice Paper (FAP) Consultation 2010-11 Reference documents
All submissions Reference documents 2011 Points of interest
2011-12 Initial process Minister's 2010 decision CRA 3 (Gisborne)
Submissions Crayfish management CRA 4 (Hawke Bay/Wellington)
MFish advice letter Sustainability measures 2010 Issues to consider
Proposals for CRA 3, 7 & 8 Submissions 2010 Historic management


Crayfish Management

Since 1992 the New Zealand the rock lobster fisheries have been managed by a national-level, multi-stakeholder group called the National Rock Lobster Management Group (NRLMG). A variety of interests are involved in this forum including commercial quota owners, commercial fishers, customary fishers, the New Zealand Recreational Fishing Council, and representatives from environmental and conservation groups.

The National Rock Lobster Management Group provides an Annual Report to the Minister of Fisheries. In December each year the NRLMG also provide the Minister with an Initial Advice Paper (IPP). The IPP includes management proposals for specific crayfish stocks that, if approved, would apply from April 1st the following year.

Concession Review - 2011-12

The New Zealand Sport Fishing Council submit that all Rock Lobster concessions ought to be removed immediately. The ongoing mismanagement of these important fisheries needs to be highlighted to the Minister.

11 Sep 11

(Pdf 480Kb)

A submission from the New Zealand Recreational Fishing Council on the review of concessions for Rock Lobster. Remove concession in CRA3, phased removal of concession in CRA7 and status quo in CRA8.

6 Sep 11

(Pdf 370Kb)

The Ministry for Primary Industries received 18 written submissions in response to their management proposals. These submissions are available here......

Sep 11

(Pdf 2.8MB)

2011-12 Reference documents

Minister's Decision

On 21 May the Minister for Primary Industries, David Carter, approved the retention of concessions for commercial fishers in all three areas, CRA 3, 7 & 8. This decision letter was released on 31 May 2012.

21 May 12

(Pdf 1.2MB)


Final Advice Paper NRLMG
The Ministry for Primary Industries recommends the Minister retains the concession in CRA8 and offers several management options for CRA 3 & 7.

May 12

(Pdf 1.5MB)


MFish Letter - IPP Advice
The Ministry of Fisheries letter advising of the review of Rock Lobster commercial concession area regulations applying in three areas. Two options were offered for each area, status quo or removal of concessions in CRA3 (Gisborne), CRA7 (Otago) and CRA8 (Southland).

5 Aug 11

(Pdf 1.2MB)

Initial Position Paper

The Initial Position Paper (IPP) describing the concessions applying in Gisborne, Otago and Southland. These concessions allow commercial fishers to take Rock Lobster at a smaller size than the public. These are highly contentious measures, paticularly in Gisborne.

5 Aug 11

(Pdf 520Kbs)

Crayfish - Rock Lobster 2010 - 11

A joint submission from option4 and the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council on the proposed measures for managing Crayfish stocks in Areas 4, 5, 7 & 8. These cover the lower North Island and much of the coastline around the South Island.

4 Feb 11

(Pdf 190Kb)

A submission from the New Zealand Recreational Fishing Council on the proposed measures for managing Crayfish stocks in Areas 4, 5, 7 & 8. The NZRFC is concerned that the Management Procedures do not enable fine-scale management to address localised depletion for recreational fishers.

2 Feb 11

(Pdf 370Kb)

A compilation of all submissions to the proposed sustainability measures. This document was an appendix of the Final Advice Paper to the Minister of Fisheries, from the National Rock Lobster Management Group. 65 pages of submissions, from both individuals and groups. (Caution: Large document.....5.0MB)

2 Feb 11

(Pdf 5MB)

Reference documents

Minister's Decision Announcement
An announcement from the Minister of Fisheries outlining the catch limits that will apply in each Rock Lobster fishery from 1 April 2011. Catch limits will increase in the Wellington/Hawke Bay area, remain the same in CRA5, top of the South Island, and decrease in Otago and southern areas.

28 Mar 11

(Pdf 110Kb)

Minister's Decision Letter 2011 - Amended
The Decision Letter from the Minister of Fisheries outlining the management measures to apply in each Rock Lobster fishery from 1 April 2011. CRA5 measures are retained, others are varied and deemed value rates have been increased. (Caution: Large document.....1.4MB)

30 Mar 11

(Pdf 1.4MB)

Final Advice Paper NRLMG
The Final Advice Paper from the National Rock Lobster Management Group to the Minister of Fisheries recommending various management changes in Crayfish stocks 4, 5, 7 & 8. The compilation of submissions (above) were attached to this FAP and given to the Minister in early March 2011.

Mar 11

(Pdf 800Kb)

MFish Letter - IPP Advice
The Ministry of Fisheries letter advising that the review of sustainability measures was underway for Crayfish stocks 4, 5, 7 & 8. Any changes approved by the Minister would apply from 1 April 2011. Submission deadline was 2nd February 2011. (Caution: Large document.....1.2MB)

13 Dec 10

(Pdf 1.2MB)

Initial Position Paper

The Initial Position Paper (IPP) including three advice papers from the National Rock Lobster Management Group. These proposals discuss deemed value rates, new and existing management procedures and various catch levels.

13 Dec 10

(Pdf 540Kbs)

Annual Report - 2010
The National Rock Lobster Management Group's Annual Report to the Minister of Fisheries, Phil Heatley. This comprehensive 195-page report discusses each crayfish stock in detail, management procedures and other important issues. (Caution: Large document.....3.8MB)

Dec 2010

(Pdf 3.8MB)


Sustainability measures 2010

In December 2009 the National Rock Lobster Management Group submitted two Initial Advice Papers to the Minister. The Minister, Phil Heatley, asked the Ministry to consult the public on the following proposals:

  • Consultation 1 – Proposal to adopt a management procedure for Crayfish 3 (CRA 3)
  • Consultation 2 – Catch limit reviews for CRA 3, CRA 4, and CRA 7 as a result of operation of Management Procedures.


Preliminary comments

Points of interest

  • Proposals documents issued mid-December, just prior to the holiday period.
  • Seven week consultation period, minus four-week holiday term, leaves three working weeks for consultation.
  • Limited consultation period as signalled in Fisheries 2030
  • No reference to Fisheries Act section 12 obligations, to consult with sector representatives or provide for the input and participation of tangata whenua in these processes. Other Fisheries Act sections covered in statutory obligations sections of papers. It is almost as if s12 no longer exists and MFish are following the Fisheries 2030 process with no intention of acknowledging or fulfilling s12 obligations.
  • New section 13(2)(A) of the Fisheries Act 1996 is being used in the absence of any reliable estimates of current biomass or BMSY. The CRA3 plan proposes to use s13(2)(A) in the absence of BMSY for that crayfish stock.

Crayfish 3 (CRA 3) Gisborne

  • Historic, ongoing issues about commercial access to concession (smaller than legal) sized fish, customary harvesting ‘spider’ sized fish, recreational fishers inability to access numbers and legal sized fish
  • The Minister reduced the TAC and TACC in 2009 and wants a management procedure to guide TAC setting from April 2010.
  • The Working Group could not agree on one management option, so two options have been proposed and consulted on. Both involve no change to allowances for non-commercial and other mortality.
  • The NRLMG, industry and one customary representative prefer option 1 (Rule 2a)– fix current TAC and TACC for three years within minimum and maximum CPUE limits, monitor CPUE, variations to TAC if stock size changes (up or down). Rebuild expected by 2016.
  • Recreational and one customary representative prefer option 2 (Rule 5) - reduce TAC and TACC by 20 tonne, fix at that level for two years irrespective of abundance. Rebuild expected by 2015.

Crayfish 4 (CRA 4) Hawke Bay/Wellington

  • Historic, ongoing issues about sustainability.
  • The Minister reduced the TAC and TACC in 2009 and enabled management rules to be applied in this fishery. Industry had ‘shelved’ ACE for two years prior to this reduction.
  • NZ Sport Fishing Council (formerly NZBGFC) Zone 5 members imposed a voluntary daily bag limit cut from six to four crayfish to assist the rebuild.
  • MFish propose two management options. Option 1 - Maintain current catch limits for all sectors.
  • The NRLMG and industry favour option 2 – increasing the TAC and TACC by 199.5 tonne and maintaining current allowances for non-commercial and other mortality.

Issues to consider

  • Industry concerned that increased abundance will be taken by non-commercial fishers
  • MFish term from Harvest Strategy Standards document – ‘conceptual BMSY’ – used in the absence of BMSY, Fmsy and MSY, “embraces the spirit and intent of section 13 of the Act”.
  • The KLC outcome reinforced the importance of the total allowable catch (TAC) and s13 of the Fisheries Act as providing for the social, economic and cultural well-being of New Zealanders, through providing abundance. The Court went onto suggest that all of the TAC needs to be allocated to users, to be caught. Allowances in s21 are being interpreted as catch, not interests. So where are people's conservation interests provided for?
  • If the TAC is increased and all that increase is given to commercials as higher TACC this assumes non-commercial interests have no further interest in that proportion. That’s a nonsense, as non-commercial fishers want more fish in the water.
  • This proposal falsely perpetuates the notion that the total allowable commercial catch (TACC) is an automatic proportion of TAC.
  • No recognition of the recreational sector’s contribution to rebuilding the crayfish stocks. All increases proposed to the TACC only.
  • s13(2)(A) of the Fisheries Act is being used to justify setting maximum TAC and TACCs.
  • Maximum TACCs are being used to suppress non-commercial catch.
  • Non-commercial interests are far greater than current catch in these rock lobster fisheries.
  • The Minister is legally obliged to provide for non-commercial environmental and fishing interests.


Submission deadline

The deadline for submissions closed on 5 February 2010.


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To achieve a good level of understanding of complex fisheries management scenarios we believe it is important to read the information in chronological order so you can follow the process.

Crayfish - Rock Lobster 2009-10
A joint submission from option4 and the Zone 5 combined clubs of the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council (formerly NZ Big Game Fishing Council). "Until the Minister carries out his statutory functions we cannot give support to any of the proposed management options for CRA 3 & 4."

8 Feb 10

(Pdf 130Kb)

Submission from the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council discussing the CRA 3 & 4 proposals. The NZSFC "strongly submit that it is time that the concession allowing commercial fishers to take undersized and immature rock lobster be removed...."

5 Feb 10

(Pdf 100Kb)

The NZ Recreational Fishing Council is concerned about the proposals for CRA 4 and do not believe "that the fishery has recovered to the extent that a virtual doubling of the catch will be sustainable".

5 Feb 10

(Pdf 370Kb)

The Environmental and Conservation Organisations of NZ does not support the proposed management procedures recommended by the National Rock Lobster Management Group. "ECO does not support the use of shelving of quota. Stock assessments should be carried out more frequently with an assessment....at least once every 5 years."

5 Feb 10


(Pdf 200Kb)

In its submission the Council of Outdoor Recreation Associations of NZ (CORANZ) advise that catching crayfish "is an increasingly rare occurrence, as commercial fishing pressure has greatly reduced the crayfish in the sea in most accessible places. Consequently the non-commercial fishing take of crayfish is being unfairly suppressed".

5 Feb 10

(Pdf 90Kb)

Reference documents

Minister's Decision 2010

The Acting Minister of Fisheries, David Carter, has agreed to increase the commercial catch limits in the Wellington/Hawke Bay region, despite concerns about the risk to sustainability. Gisborne catch limits remain and Otago commercial limits are reduced, from 1st April 2010.

24 Mar 10

(Pdf 140Kbs)

MFish Letter - IPP Advice
The Ministry of Fisheries letter advising that the sustainability review was underway for various crayfish stocks. Any changes approved by the Minister would apply from 1 April 2010. Submission deadline is 5th February 2010.

17 Dec 09

(Pdf 150Kbs)

Initial Position Paper - NRLMG

The Initial Position Paper (IPP) from the National Rock Lobster Management Group containing two consultation papers. Consultation 1 - proposal to adopt a management procedure for CRA 3. Consultation 2 - Catch limit reviews for CRA 3, 4 & 7, as a result of operation of management procedures.

17 Dec 09

(Pdf 470Kbs)

Annual Report - 2009
The National Rock Lobster Management Group's Annual Report to the Minister of Fisheries, Phil Heatley. This comprehensive 132-page report discusses each crayfish stock in detail, management procedures and other important issues. (Caution: Large document.....1.4MB)

Dec 09

(Pdf 1.4MB)

Pre - 2009


The Initial Position Paper (IPP) from the National Rock Lobster Management Group containing two consultation papers. Consultation 1 - proposal to adopt a management procedure for CRA 4. Consultation 2 - Proposal to vary sustainability measures for CRA 3, 4, 7 & 8.

15 Dec 08

(Pdf 410Kbs)

The Initial Position Paper (IPP) from the National Rock Lobster Management Group containing TAC and sustainability advice for CRA 7 and CRA 8.

20 Dec 05

(Pdf 40Kbs)

A Fisheries Assessment Report (FAR) describing the design and evaluation of a revised management decision rule for the CRA 7 and CRA 8 fish stocks.

Dec 05

(Pdf 170Kbs)

The Annual Report from the National Rock Lobster Management Group to the Minister of Fisheries, Jim Anderton. This comprehensive report discusses each crayfish stock in detail and other relevant issues.

Dec 05

(Pdf 400Kbs)

The Mid - Year Plenary from the science assessment team. This plenary discusses both rock lobster and pack horse crayfish.

20 Dec 05

(Pdf 40Kbs)

Historic management

In 1992, the then Minister of Fisheries, Hon. Doug Kidd, endorsed the establishment of the National Rock Lobster Management Group (NRLMG). The role of the NRLMG was to revise and develop the Rock Lobster Management Plan devised by the Rock Lobster Steering Committee.

The Rock Lobster Steering Committee was established by Doug Kidd, in 1991, to develop a long-term management plan for the lobster fisheries, which at that time were considered to be seriously depleted by overfishing.

During the establishment of the National Rock Lobster Management Group the Minister asked sector groups to nominate their own representatives. Two representatives from the NZ Recreational Fishing Council have participated in the NRLMG since its formation in 1992.


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