When a new Minister of Fisheries is appointed the Ministry of Fisheries (MFish) provide a briefing paper that gives an overview of the fisheries sector and highlights key issues likely to arise over the following three years.
These briefing papers are hefty documents that are, in part, difficult to read and understand unless conversant with MFish terminology and processes.
Non-commercial fishing interests involved in the Hokianga Accord were concerned with a number of statements made in the 2008 paper so clarification was sought from the MFish CEO, Wayne McNee in December 2008.
Briefings to Minister |
and Process |
MFish CEO response to Hokianga Accord
The Ministry's CEO, Wayne McNee, responds to the Accord's questions raised in late 2008, seeking clarification of the Ministry's statements to the incoming Minister of Fisheries Phil Heatley. |
19 Mar 09
Questions about Ministerial briefing statements
A joint letter to the MFish CEO, Wayne McNee, asking for clarification of statements made in the MFish document, Briefing to the Incoming Minister. Signed by representatives on behalf of the Accord, the option4 team and the NZ Big Game Fishing Council. |
Dec 08
Perspectives on non-commercial fishing interests
A joint submission providing the new fisheries Minister, Phil Heatley, with non-commercial fishing interests' perspectives on the issues facing the government in enabling the Minister to achieve sustainable use of our fisheries. |
5 Dec 08
MFish Briefing to Incoming Minister
The Ministry of Fisheries' (MFish) Briefing to the Incoming Minister. This document provides an overview of the fisheries sector and highlights key issues likely to arise over the following three years. |
Nov 2008
SeaFIC Briefing to Minister
The NZ Seafood Industry Council's post-election briefing paper to the new Minister of Fisheries. Included in this document is an analysis of current management with an interesting scorecard........... |
MFish Briefing to Incoming Minister
The Ministry of Fisheries' (MFish) 2005 Briefing to the Incoming Minister. This document provides an overview of the fisheries sector and highlights key issues likely to arise over the following three years. |
Sep 2008
MFish Briefing to Incoming Minister
The Ministry of Fisheries' (MFish) 2004 Briefing to the Incoming Minister. This document provides an overview of the fisheries sector and highlights key issues likely to arise over the following three years. |
21 Aug 08
Act Purpose - Section 8
purpose of the Fisheries Act 1996 - sustainable utilisation
of fisheries. The High Court described this as, "….on
plain reading of s8 the bottom line is sustainability. That
must be the Minister's ultimate objective. Without it, there
will eventually be no utilisation". |
(Pdf 20Kb)

Act Sustainability measures - Section 13
13 sets out the basis for how the Minister of Fisheries will
set a total allowable catch limit that will maintain the fishery
at or above a level that can produce the maximum sustainable
yield.... |
(Pdf 20Kb)

Act Sustainability measures - Section 14
14 sets out an alternative process describing how the Minister
of Fisheries can set a total allowable catch limit for a fishery
listed in Schedule 3, to better achieve the purpose of the
Act. |
(Pdf 20Kb)

Act Sustainability measures - Section 14A
14A sets out the basis for how the Minister of Fisheries can
set an alternative total allowable catch limit that will better
achieve the purpose of the Act. Both agreement from 95% of
quota owners and no detrimental effects on non-commercial
fishing interests are required before this section can be
applied. |
(Pdf 20Kb)

Act Sustainability measures - Section 14B
14B sets out how the Minister of Fisheries can set an alternative
total allowable catch limit for a fishery so that commercial
fishers can exploit another fishery without being constrained
by the first catch limit. Both fisheries need to be maintained
above a level that ensures its long-term viability. |
(Pdf 20Kb)

Act Sustainability measures - Section 14C
14C sets out the process for declaring that section 14B no
longer applies to a fishery. Either section 13 or 14 would
then need to be applied to that fishery. |
(Pdf 20Kb)
