Attached Bladder Kelp Seaweed Harvesting
the Ministry of Fisheries
2009 and 2010
2010 - Harvest Measures
In March 2010 the Ministry of Fisheries (MFish) consulted on the potential commercial catch limits for attached Bladder Kelp Seaweed in Fisheries Management Areas 3 and 4.
Before the Minister, Phil Heatley, decided on the total allowable catch (TAC) allowances and total allowable commercial catch (TACC) limits MFish issued another consultation paper on additional measures to manage the commercial harvest of attached Bladder Kelp seaweed.
This additional process was an unusual, but welcome innovation from MFish. Interested parties took the opportunity to reiterate earlier concerns and encourage the Minister and MFish to take a precautionary approach when managing a species of such environmental, social and cultural significance.
Bladder Kelp - Harvest Measures |
Submissions - Harvest Measures |
Joint submission from option4, the Hokianga Accord and NZ Sport Fishing supporting the MFish-proposed management measures plus an additional requirement to ensure preservation of the environment and people. |
23 Jul
(Pdf 300Kb)
In its comprehensive submission the Seaweed Association of NZ (SANZ) gives MFish its strong support for the proposed management measures. SANZ also suggests additional measures and a one area-one harvester policy to support sustainable harvesting of this taonga [treasure]. |
23 Jul
(Pdf 280Kb)
MFish-supplied copy of submissions from commercial and non-commercial interests in response to the proposed management measures for harvesting Bladder Kelp seaweed. A range of views are expressed. |
23 Jul
(Pdf 3.6MB)
MFish documents - Harvest measures |
Minister's Decision - Harvest measures |
The Minister of Fisheries, Phil Heatley, has agreed with commercial interests and created more quota than what was originally consulted on in April. For KBB 3G there is 69% more quota. In KBB 4G there is now 90% more quota. Some harvest measures have also been implemented. |
17 Sep 10
(Pdf 580Kbs)
MFish Final Advice Paper |
The Ministry of Fisheries recommends the Minister create up to 90% more Bladder Kelp quota for commercial interests and implement two harvest measures. MFish also recommend the lower of two deemed value rates for Bladder Kelp, but the Minister chose the higher value. |
7 Sep 10
(Pdf 240Kbs)
MFish Initial Position Paper
- Harvest measures |
Initial Position Paper (IPP) from the Ministry of Fisheries
proposing various harvest management measurse to support the QMS introduction of attached Bladder Kelp seaweed in FMA 3 and 4. |
21 Jun 10
(Pdf 260Kbs)
MFish IPP Letter
- Harvest measures |
A letter from the Ministry of Fisheries
advising of the proposed harvest management measures to support the introduction of attached Bladder Kelp seaweed into the Quota Management System. Submission deadline is 23 July 2010. |
21 Jun 10
(Pdf 670Kbs)
2010 - QMS Introduction Overview
In March 2010 the Ministry of Fisheries (MFish) issued a proposal paper containing several options for the future management of attached Bladder Kelp Seaweed in Fisheries Management Areas 3 and 4.
Attached Bladder Kelp Seaweed KBB 3G and KBB 4G were to enter the quota management system on 1 October 2010.
Interested parties were given until 15 April 2010 to submit on the various options.
This process follows the 2009 consultation round and Minister of Fisheries’ decision to introduce these two attached Bladder Kelp Seaweed stocks into the quota management system in October 2010.
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To achieve
a good level of understanding of complex fisheries management scenarios
we believe it is important to read the information in chronological
order so you can follow the process.
Note: Most recent documents are at the top of each section.
Bladder Kelp Seaweed |
Submissions - 2010 |
Forest & Bird submit Bladder kelp is an important component of the coastal ecosystem and the Minister of Fisheries ought to make a cautious decision under section 9 of the Fisheries Act 1996. |
15 Apr
(Pdf 50Kb)
Joint submission from the Hokianga Accord and option4 advising that the proposals for attached Bladder Kelp Seaweed are unlawful, breach the Purpose and Principles of the Fisheries Act 1996 and undermine government policies such as Fisheries 2030. |
15 Apr
(Pdf 80Kb)
The Wellington Recreational Marine Fishers' Association strongly suggest the commercial catch limits for attached Bladder Kelp Seaweed be set at zero due to the lack of scientific research and acknowledgement of the known impacts on other fisheries. |
6 Apr
(Pdf 170Kb)
MFish-supplied copy of various submissions filed in response to the proposed TAC and TACC options provided in the Initial Proposal Paper (IPP). Responses range from zero TACC to 1000 tonnes. |
15 Apr
(Pdf 3.5MB)
MFish-supplied copy of commercial, environmental and tangata whenua submissions in response to the proposed TAC and TACC options provided in the Initial Proposal Paper (IPP). Responses range from zero TACC to 2000 tonnes. |
15 Apr
(Pdf 2.4MB)
MFish-supplied copy of various submissions filed in response to the proposed TAC and TACC options provided in the Initial Proposal Paper (IPP). Responses range from conservative to total withdrawal of the IPP. |
15 Apr
(Pdf 4.9MB)
MFish-supplied copy of various submissions filed in response to the proposed TAC and TACC options provided in the Initial Proposal Paper (IPP). Responses are from a range of commercial and non-commercial interests. |
15 Apr
(Pdf 1.7MB)
Submissions - 2009 |
Te Ngaru Roa aa Maui are opposed to the introduction of bladder kelp into the QMS on 1 October 2010. They also submitted their strong opposition to any Total Allowable Catch (TAC) being set for bladder kelp in Fisheries Management Areas 3 and 4. |
25 Sep
(Pdf 190Kb)
A joint submission from the Hokianga Accord and option4 advocating that Bladder Kelp in all fisheries management areas is not introduced into the QMS in October 2010. Another management tool should be used in recognition of Bladder Kelp's very high ecological, environmental, social and cultural values. |
22 Sep
(Pdf 40Kb)
The Wellington Recreational Marine Fishers' Association support the introduction of Bladder Kelp into the QMS and oppose any total allowable catch (TAC) being set in any fisheries management area. |
21 Sep
(Pdf 90Kb)
Forest and Bird do not support the commercial harvesting of Bladder Kelp due to its enormous coastal ecosystem function values. They recommend that Bladder Kelp be introduced into the QMS across all management areas with a total allowable catch (TAC) of zero. |
16 Sep
(Pdf 40Kb)
Various submissions and information on the MFish proposal to extend commercial harvesting of beach cast seaweed is available here........ |
Additional information |
Television review of seaweed proposals
A clip from TV3"s Campbell Live programme. Included are interviews with advocates from Forest and Bird, Wellington Recreational Fishers and commercial interests. |
21 Sep
Otago University paper
A paper by Otago University discussing the merits of managing Bladder Kelp in the quota management system, various management mechanisms and that the total allowable catch (TAC) be set at zero. |
9 Feb
(Pdf 250Kb)
MFish documents - 2010 |
Minister's Decision 2010 |
The Minister of Fisheries, Phil Heatley, has agreed with commercial interests and created more quota than what was originally consulted on in April. For KBB 3G there is 69% more quota than MFish proposed. In KBB 4G there is now 90% more quota. |
17 Sep 10
(Pdf 580Kbs)
MFish Final Advice Paper - 2010 |
The Ministry of Fisheries recommends the Minister create up to 90% more Bladder Kelp quota for commercial interests in Area 4, and 69% more in Area 3. MFish also recommend the lower of two deemed value rates for Bladder Kelp, but the Minister chose the higher value. |
7 Sep 10
(Pdf 240Kbs)
MFish Initial Position Paper
- 2010 |
Initial Position Paper (IPP) from the Ministry of Fisheries
outlining the various options to enable increased commercial harvesting of attached Bladder Kelp seaweed in FMA 3 and 4. |
4 Mar 10
(Pdf 560Kbs)
MFish IPP Letter
- 2010 |
A letter from the Ministry of Fisheries
advising of the consultation process to introduce attached Bladder Kelp seaweed into the Quota Management System. Submission deadline is 15 April 2010. |
4 Mar 10
(Pdf 150Kbs)
MFish documents - 2009 |
Minister's Decision 2009 |
The Minister of Fisheries, Phil Heatley has agreed with his Ministry's advice and decided to introduce Bladder Kelp in Areas 3 and 4 into the Quota Management System. Read his decision letter here............. |
Nov 09
(Pdf 80Kbs)
MFish Final Advice Paper - 2009 |
The Ministry of Fisheries Final Advice Paper (FAP) and their recommendations to the Minister, to introduce Bladder Kelp in Areas 3 and 4 into the QMS as of 1 October 2010. |
24 Sep 09
(Pdf 220Kbs)
MFish Initial Position Paper
- 2009 |
Initial Position Paper (IPP) from the Ministry of Fisheries
outlining the potential economic growth opportunities of Bladder Kelp and acknowledging that this seaweed is an important habitat-forming species so will need to be carefully managed to ensure its sustainability. |
21 Aug 09
(Pdf 280Kbs)
Background Information - 2009
In August 2009 the Ministry of Fisheries (MFish) issued a proposal document to introduce Bladder Kelp Seaweed, Macrocystis pyrifera (KBB), in Fisheries Management Areas 3 and 4 into the quota management system (QMS) on 1 October 2010. In early November 2009 the Minister agreed with his Ministry's advice and will introduce Bladder Kelp into the QMS in October 2010.
Twenty six submissions were made to the Ministry of Fisheries in response to the proposal. The Minister's Bladder Kelp decision notes there was "overwhelming support" for introducing this species in FMA 3 and 4 into the QMS. Details as follows:
- 14 submissions in support of QMS introduction with a total allowable catch (TAC) set at zero;
- five industry submissions in support of QMS introduction with higher TACs; and
- seven submissions opposing QMS introduction. Some of those preferred a zero TAC if Bladder Kelp was introduced into the QMS.
In August 2009 the Ministry of Fisheries (MFish) issued a proposal document to introduce Bladder Kelp Seaweed, Macrocystis pyrifera (KBB), in Fisheries Management Areas 3 and 4 into the quota management system (QMS) on 1 October 2010.
This proposal only relates to the attached (growing) seaweed stage. Both free-floating and beach cast seaweed are managed under the non-QMS framework.
Management Area 3 is off the southeast and eastern coasts of the South Island; Area 4 surrounds the Chatham Islands.
If the Minister of Fisheries approves the introduction of Bladder Kelp into the quota management system consultation will occur in 2010 on the levels of total allowable catch (TAC) and total allowable commercial catch (TACC).
While this proposal relates to Bladder Kelp in Areas 3 and 4, MFish advised they would consider the introduction of further seaweeds into the QMS, depending on the feedback received.
option4 and the Hokianga Accord jointly submitted, as did a number of other non-commercial environmental and fishing interest organisations because the issue is of national interest:
- It is the principle of handing out private property rights to such an important species that needs to be highlighted. Given the catch history by three fishermen and the Ministry’s preference to allocate catching rights on the basis of catch history, bladder kelp seaweed in FMA3 and 4 could end up being controlled and owned by a handful of people.
- Kelp contributes important habitat and food for a range of species that are important to the public, including dolphins and bait fish.
- There would be expectations that if Bladder Kelp was introduced into the QMS that harvesting rights would be issued. Leaving this Kelp outside the QMS somewhat protects seaweed from an expectation of commercial exploitation. There needs to be another management tool for these important species.
Prior to the submission deadline there was some debate as to the merits of excluding Bladder Kelp from the QMS and using a different, non-QMS tool. Aside from section 11 (of the Fisheries Act 1996) there seems to be few other management options.
Some non-commercial interest groups opted to support the introduction of Bladder Kelp into the QMS with a TAC and TACC set at zero. However, consultation on the level of TAC or TACC will not occur if Bladder is not introduced into the QMS.
If Bladder Kelp is approved for introduction then MFish will issue another consultation document in 2010 to discuss the what the level of the total allowable catch (TAC) and total allowable commercial catch (TACC) ought to be.
Submission deadline
The deadline for submissions closed on 21 September 2009.
Please provide your feedback
to the option4 team. |
Thank you for taking the time to participate.