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Storm Bay Mussel Farm Appeal

Port Fitzroy Great Barrier Island

May 2004


Dear Friends of Port FitzRoy
They are at it again. The Freda Pene Rewhiti Whanau Trust have appealed to the Environment Court to overturn the ruling of the ARC on the mussel farm in Stony (Storm) Bay. We received their evidence on May 17th and have until the 31st May to lodge our evidence in rebuttal.

Kevin O'Sullivan and I will be handling the boating, safety and tourism issues although he is overseas at the moment and not returning till the 30th May. However we have retained Hill Young Cooper, environmental consultants, to handle the planning issues as we don't have any expertise in that field. We have put up $5,000 towards this but it is really not enough to put up a credible defence. Consequently I am appealing to anyone who doesn't want to see any more mussel farms in Port FitzRoy to come to the party and help with a donation.

The Whanau Trust have got some high powered evidence prepared as they have had 2 years to do it all. We need to raise another $5,000 to have a fighting chance otherwise I fear we will lose what is a wonderful anchorage. Unfortunately time is of the essence as the hearing is scheduled for early July.

Any support you can give will be gratefully received. We have a Trust Fund with Bell Gully Solicitors, FitzRoy Farms Trust Account, PO Box 4199, Auckland.

Many thanks
Tony Bouzaid

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