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Adaptive Management Programmes



Tarakihi fish stocks were considered as suitable for an Adaptive Management Programme (AMP) in 2002. At that time option4 objected to the implementation of AMPs in inshore shared fisheries. Strong submissions were made regarding the Tarakihi 1 fishery and the Minister at the time, Pete Hodgson, supported our views.

In 2004, we were presented with AMP proposals for Tarakihi 2 (TAR2), Tarakihi 3 (TAR3), Bluenose (BNS2), Elephant fish (ELE5), John dory (JDO7), Red gurnard (GUR7), Pale ghost shark (GSP1 & 5) and School shark (SCH3, 5, 7 & 8).

option4 did not submit to the 2004 AMP proposals as our resources were focussed elsewhere - on the kahawai issue but we have attempted to follow the process and present the information as it becomes available.


The clear intent of Adaptive Management Programmes is to fish down the stock fast enough to allow the decline in commercial trawl CPUE to be measured within a certain time period. We fail to see how AMPs address management issues and "allow for" non-commercial fishing interests in our precious inshore shared fisheries.

An explanation on what AMPs are can be found here » »

We do not believe Adaptive Management Programmes are appropriate management tools to use for inshore shared fisheries. We will be making more comment on AMPs in due course.

The Ministry of Fisheries issued its Initial Position Paper (IPP) for tarakihi and six other species in May 2004. Submissions were due by 11 June 2004. The Minister, David Benson-Pope issued his final decision in September 2004. The Ministry of Fisheries's Final Advice Paper (FAP) was released simultaneously.


To achieve a good level of understanding of complex fisheries management scenarios we believe it is important to read the available data in good order.

For the AMP Review we present the available information:

  1. The Minister's Final Decision for tarakihi, bluenose, elephant fish, john dory, pale ghost shark, red gurnard, school shark and the shark finning review.
  2. The Ministry of Fisheries's (MFish) FAP incorporating stakeholders submissions.
  3. MFish management proposal as presented in the Initial Position Paper (IPP)
  4. Submissions to the IPP, as available.

Summary of Minister's Decision

  1. TACC increase in BNS2
  2. TACC increase in ELE5
  3. TACC increase in JDO7
  4. Rejected AMP for GSP1 & GSP5
  5. Rejected an increase for GUR7.
  6. Agreed to AMPs for SCH3, 5, 7 & 8.
  7. Agreed to an increase in TACC and an AMP for TAR2 & TAR3.
  8. Agreed to keep shark finning under review.


AMPs - 2004

option4 Update # 48

Adaptive Management Programmes - more increases of commercial quotas at the expense of non-commercial (our) access.

Nov 2004

Final Decision
The Minister of Fisheries's approval for TACC increases for the tarakihi, bluenose, elephant fish and john dory fisheries under review.

Sep 2004

(Pdf 30Kb)

Final Advice Paper
The Final Advice Paper from the Ministry of Fisheries on the AMP proposals and shark finning review. (Note: large document)

Aug 2004

(Pdf 1.1Mb)

Ministry of Fisheries - IPP

Initial Position Paper (IPP) from the Ministry of Fisheries on the Adaptive Management Programme Reviews for tarakihi, bluenose, elephant fish, john dory, pale ghost shark, school shark and red gurnard. (Note: large document)

May 2004

(Pdf 1.0Mb)

MFish - IPP Letter
Introductory letter from the Ministry of Fisheries (MFish) asking for submissions on the IPP by 11 June.

May 2004

(Pdf 20Kb)

AMPs - 2002
The NZRFC submission to MFish on AMPs, tarakihi, elephantfish, gurnard 3, snapper 2 and paua 5B, 5D and paua 7.

31 Jul 02

option4's comments on AMPs in general and more specifically for tarakihi 1 (TAR1) are in this submission sent to MFish.

26 Jul 02

(Pdf 40Kb)


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