A Brief History of "28N Rights"
By Ministry of Fisheries
May 2006
Based on a paper provided by MFish March 2006 |
Origin and Law in respect of 28N Rights
These rights originate under section 28N and 28OE of the Fisheries Act 1983. These sections were part of the major amendment to the Act that introduced the quota management system (QMS) in 1986.
Although referred to as 28N rights, the rights arise under other sections (s.28T and s.28OE). However, it is in respect of the uncompensated reductions to provisional maximum individual transferable quota (PMITQ) under s.28N that the rights were granted – hence the tag. The short version goes like this:
In preparation for commencement of the quota system, commercial fishers’ reported catch history was assessed. Fishers could choose the best 2 of 3 qualifying years to ensure that individuals were not penalised for one bad year, and the average of these two years was used. However, this meant that the total of those assessed catch histories, recorded as PMITQ, was generally greater than the highest total catch for any of the qualifying years for the stock in question. So, aside from any reductions to total catch required for sustainability reasons, in most stocks reductions to PMITQs were also required just to get the total of catch rights back to the old TACs.
For some inshore species, the Government offered to receive tenders to buy packages of PMITQ from fishers. Many of the tenders were for amounts greater than the government valuations indicated the rights were worth and were refused. About a third of the required reductions for those species were bought. In a second round, the Government offered fishers 80% of what they had paid in the first round as a last chance to sell rights back, under condition that if insufficient rights were offered the next move would be uncompensated pro rata reductions. About another third was bought. A total of $42 million was spent on the buy-back.
Those that chose not to sell, and to have their rights reduced without compensation, became entitled (originally through section 28T, later replaced by 28OE) to have those reduced PMITQ rights restored in the future as quota, should the TACC for that relevant stock be increased. The procedure followed is that the 28N rights are recorded for each fisher as a tonnage, and so when a TACC for a stock is increased, any outstanding 28N rights are honoured first before other quota holders receive an increased catch allocation.
Under the Fisheries Act 1996, these rights are carried forward and clarified under section 23. The implementation of the adjustments to holdings under the quota share system is a bit complicated but boils down to the same thing – 28N right holders get first dibs when a TACC increase happens until all those rights are discharged.
Rebuilding Stocks
28N rights only work within the TACC. That is, they are not additional to a TACC and don’t force any action like reductions or increases in TACCs. They only become operative—causing a redistribution of quota shares among quota owners — when a TACC is increased.
What Stocks have 28N Rights?
The numbers I have on the history and current status of 28N rights were sourced from the databases last year and these are subject to change over time. Although no more rights have been discharged since then, if a client sells all of their quota in a stock the 28N rights disappear – that is, they are not transferable; they can only be redeemed to the original quota holder that had their PMITQ reduced, and they must have continuously owned ITQ in that stock since then. So, treat these numbers as a guide.
If you require further information on these rights, including names of who holds them, you will need to apply to FishServe – the quota registry.
The total rights derived from the pro rata reductions in the buyback stocks was around 5,000 tonnes – total required reduction was about 15,000t. There is a total of about 3,000 tonnes of rights still on the books. Significant rights are still outstanding in HPB2, HPB3, PAU4, RCO3, SNA1, SNA8, TRE1, TRE7.
Table 1:
Discharged 28N rights
Stock Code |
Date |
Old TACC Amount (kg) |
New TACC Amount (kg) |
Before Increase s28n rights |
Number of clients with s28n rights before increase |
After Increase s28n rights |
Number of clients with s28n rights after increase |
BAR1 |
1/10/1996 |
9969500 |
11000000 |
778300 |
39 |
0 |
0 |
BNS3 |
1/10/1992 |
175000 |
350000 |
34600 |
13 |
0 |
0 |
BYX2 |
1/10/1991 |
1274300 |
1480000 |
157000 |
14 |
0 |
0 |
ELE3 |
1/10/1995 |
423600 |
500000 |
25300 |
24 |
0 |
0 |
GUR3 |
1/10/1991 |
524000 |
600000 |
33800 |
46 |
0 |
0 |
GUR7 |
1/10/1991 |
678200 |
815000 |
20300 |
36 |
0 |
0 |
LIN3 |
1/10/1994 |
2166600 |
2800000 |
4200 |
10 |
0 |
0 |
MOK1 |
1/10/1993 |
157400 |
200000 |
46800 |
50 |
4381 |
50 |
MOK1 |
1/10/1995 |
200000 |
400000 |
4072 |
45 |
0 |
0 |
MOK3 |
1/10/1992 |
71400 |
120000 |
11500 |
25 |
0 |
0 |
SNA2 |
1/10/1992 |
157400 |
250000 |
26000 |
17 |
0 |
0 |
SNA7 |
1/10/1997 |
160300 |
200000 |
58100 |
15 |
19334 |
15 |
SPO1 |
1/10/1991 |
688100 |
825000 |
13000 |
41 |
0 |
0 |
SPO2 |
1/10/1991 |
70900 |
85000 |
19500 |
23 |
5400 |
23 |
SPO3 |
1/10/1991 |
363900 |
430000 |
172300 |
71 |
106200 |
71 |
SPO3 |
1/10/2000 |
453900 |
600000 |
106864 |
28 |
0 |
0 |
SPO7 |
1/10/1991 |
294100 |
350000 |
48200 |
50 |
0 |
0 |
STA2 |
1/10/1991 |
37400 |
100000 |
6600 |
6 |
0 |
0 |
STA3 |
1/10/1991 |
733900 |
900000 |
14700 |
27 |
0 |
0 |
STA7 |
1/10/1991 |
527700 |
700000 |
500 |
3 |
0 |
0 |
ELE3 |
1/10/2002 |
825000 |
950000 |
300 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
SNA2 |
1/10/2002 |
252300 |
315000 |
1400 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
BNS2 |
1/10/2004 |
873400 |
1048000 |
104652 |
11 |
0 |
0 |
SCH3 |
1/10/2004 |
321905 |
387000 |
44900 |
19 |
0 |
0 |
SCH7 |
1/10/2004 |
533700 |
641000 |
71900 |
23 |
0 |
0 |
SCH8 |
1/10/2004 |
440600 |
529000 |
5500 |
7 |
0 |
0 |
SPO2 |
1/10/2004 |
72014 |
86000 |
3187 |
8 |
0 |
0 |
TAR2 |
1/10/2004 |
1632800 |
1796000 |
19300 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
TAR3 |
1/10/2004 |
1169470 |
1403000 |
49500 |
17 |
0 |
0 |
Total rights redeemed |
1746,960 |
Table 2.
Quantity of 28N rights not redeemed: Oct 2004
Stock Code |
Total 28N rights as at Oct 04 (kgs) |
BAR1 |
78900 |
BCO4 |
700 |
BCO7 |
3700 |
BYX2 |
16470 |
BYX3 |
300 |
GMU1 |
29500 |
GUR1 |
85150 |
GUR3 |
6000 |
HPB1 |
1200 |
HPB2 |
32500 |
HPB3 |
51900 |
HPB7 |
3600 |
JDO1 |
6300 |
LIN2 |
7600 |
LIN7 |
111000 |
MOK1 |
2075 |
MOK3 |
1000 |
PAU2 |
419 |
PAU3 |
80 |
PAU4 |
26303 |
440 |
513 |
210 |
PAU7 |
8830 |
RCO3 |
189600 |
SCH1 |
38100 |
SCH2 |
2700 |
SKI2 |
43200 |
SKI7 |
152500 |
SNA1 |
533735 |
SNA7 |
17405 |
SNA8 |
933500 |
SPO1 |
500 |
SPO3 |
1000 |
SPO7 |
300 |
STA2 |
500 |
STA3 |
2900 |
TRE1 |
332000 |
TRE7 |
224500 |
WAR2 |
4000 |
WAR3 |
88900 |
Total |
3040,030 |