Letter of Apology to Hokianga Accord
From Tom Moana
5 April 2006
Appendix One
Tena Koe Sonny
I am more than a little upset I will not be able to attend the Hokianga Accord hui. I am upset because I cannot be there in person to tautoko the work that Ngapuhi and our Pakeha partners are putting in to this most excellent Accord.
I am also upset because I will miss the presentations from the MFish officials on the Shared Fisheries project followed by Paul Barnes and the panel discussion. I fear that this will be the only opportunity I get to hear first hand both sides of the arguments. I have only now come to realise how important this project is to our ability to feed our whanau. And then, only thanks to the information I received from the Hokianga Accord.
I have attended three Hokianga Accord hui, including the “short lineout” just before Christmas. I am dismayed at the lack of encouragement you are getting from MFish officials. I would have thought that they would have seized the opportunity that this Accord offers with both hands. After all, it is clear the major challenge facing tangata whenua lies in convincing the public that the kaitiakitanga that we tangata whenua have to offer and share is the most powerful management tool of all – if, and only if, wide spread understanding and public support happens.
I trust the Pakeha from option4 and New Zealand Big Game Fishing Council that I have met so far. They have impressive stamina and much valuable information and analysis to share with us. Please pass on my thanks to them for their aroha and manaakitanga.
For the question and answer session I have several questions I would like you to ask the officials if possible please:
- During the freshwater fisheries hui in Te Arawa on the 23rd/24th March I was informed that MFish did not recognise the Hokianga Accord as one of the Forums to allow tangata whenua to participate. Why not and when will MFish recognise this Accord as a Forum?
- Nga Hapu O Te Uru is still awaiting their MOU that has been with MFish for the past 6 years. The costs of this delay are hard to calculate. When will MFish approve this MOU?
- Why have Tainui not been fully briefed on the Shared Fisheries Allocation process yet? The formulation of the public discussion document must be almost complete and we have heard nothing. This is unacceptable to Tainui.
- Is there any intent to adequately provide for the input and participation of tangata whenua having non-commercial fishing interests into the development of “proof of concept” fisheries plans?
- Why are you not working on a meaningful shared fishery like Snapper 8 when developing “proof of concept” fisheries plans when at the same time you are working on the Shared Fisheries Allocation project?
Finally, I assume the hui will be videoed. May I please have a copy of the video of the presentations from MFish officials and the subsequent Q & A session?
All the best for a most constructive hui
Pai marire
Tom Moana
Nga Hapu O Te Uru Co-chair