Hokianga Accord Correspondence with MFish
Accord & MFish
Correspondence with the Ministry of Fisheries
On the status of the Hokianga Accord as an Iwi Regional Forum to partly assist MFish in the provision of input and participation by tangata whenua into fisheries management under section 12 of the Fisheries Act 1996.
Since the hui held at Whitiora Marae in April 2006, there has been an exchange of written communications with the Ministry of Fisheries (MFish) concerning:
- The status of the Hokianga Accord as an Iwi Regional Forum; and
- The statutory requirement of the Minister of Fisheries to provide for the input and participation of tangata whenua into fisheries management as per section 12 (1) (b) of the Fisheries Act 1996, and how MFish sees itself going about that.
A complete history of the correspondence between the Hokianga Accord and MFish is online at https://www.HokiangaAccord.co.nz. There is also a record included in the Reference section of this report.
Of concern to the Hokianga Accord is the receipt of letters from MFish immediately before the hui. These have been addressed to the Chairman of the Hokianga Accord, Sonny Tau, and contain substantial detail that require consideration before a response is given.
This occurred before the November 2005 hui at Whakamaharatanga, when MFish comments on the draft Kaupapa Whakahaere were received the night prior to the hui and before the April 2006 hui at Te Tii. In an attempt to further the business of the Hokianga Accord to provide meaningful input and participation into fisheries management the Hokianga Accord responded to a letter from MFish on the same day it was received, on April 5th. Those letters were included in the report of the April hui.
What follows is a record of the exchange of letters between the Hokianga Accord and the Ministry of Fisheries since the April hui:
- MFish letter dated 12th April 2006 clarifying MFish’s view of input and participation as per section 12 of the Fisheries Act 1996. (Appendix Four)
- MFish letter dated 26th May 2006 stating the Hokianga Accord is not an Iwi regional Forum and therefore does not qualify for Ministry funding. (Appendix Five)
- The Hokianga Accord’s letter of response dated 20th June 2006 informing MFish that MFish has no grounds to withdraw funding and requesting reinstatement. (Appendix Six)
- MFish letter dated 19th July 2006 to Ngati Whatua received the night prior to the Naumai Marae hui, summarising MFish's record of the meeting of iwi and hapu with MFish held in Whangarei to discuss the ways MFish considers providing for tangata whenua's input and participation into fisheries management; (Appendix One)
- MFish letter to Ngapuhi dated 19th July 2006, received by the Chairman, Sonny Tau, on July 21st 2006, after the completion of the hui. MFish explanation that MFish does not consider the Hokianga Accord to be an Iwi Regional Forum of mid Te Taitokerau (mid- north) and will not fund the Hokianga Accord 's activities in interacting with MFish; (Appendix Two)
- Ngapuhi (for the iwi participants of the Hokianga Accord Iwi Regional Forum) letter of response dated 31st August 2006 to MFish refuting that the Hokianga Accord is not the Iwi Regional Forum of mid Te Taitokerau whose members include Ngapuhi, Ngati Whatua and Ngati Wai, as well as the interests of Te Roroa and Te Uri O Hau. And requesting that MFish get on with providing for tangata whenua's input and participation into fisheries management. (Appendix Seven)
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