option4 Update # 72 June 2006

Dear subscriber

Making A Difference

Thank you to everyone who responded to our last Update. We had an incredible response from people giving us their mandate https://option4.co.nz/Mandate.php to speak on their behalf regarding the Shared Fisheries Policy process.

Warm appreciation also goes to everybody who donated using the secure online donation facility. https://www.safeshop.co.nz/option4/Secure/donations.htm. Your receipts are on the way.

It is great so many of you have used the promote a friend  https://www.safeshop.co.nz/option4/promote.php tool to encourage your friends and family so they can stay abreast of issues regarding the Kahawai Legal Challenge, the Hokianga Accord, fisheries management and marine protection issues.

As individuals it is hard to have an impact, collectively we can make a difference!

Fisheries Management

Shared Fisheries

Recreational fishing representatives were so concerned about the direction of the Ministry's Shared Fisheries Policy process a meeting was called to discuss a collective response.

The Shared Fisheries process is similar to the Soundings consultation in 2000. MFish want to redefine how our fisheries are allocated between commercial and non-commercial fishers.

A letter was sent to the Minister of Fisheries in May outlining the major issues from Ngapuhi, the New Zealand Big Game Fishing Council, the New Zealand Recreational Fishing Council and option4. Please give us your mandate to speak on this issue here >>>


Read the consensus letter here


Kahawai Legal Challenge

The new date for the hearing of the Kahawai Legal Challenge is November 6 th .

Clearly the delay will add to the costs to the High Court case but we need clarification of how the Minister of Fisheries should be making decisions for all of the fisheries that are important to us and a clearer definition of our fishing rights.


Statement of Discontent


option4 were so concerned about the misinformation in the MFish 2006 Statement of Intent a submission was sent to the Ministry earlier in the month. Fisheries management and other decisions are based on this policy advice so we needed to spell out the truth. Read our submission and questions put to the Ministry here


Fisheries Forums

Hokianga Accord


The Hokianga Accord has a desire to have more fish in the water. “Kia maha atu nga ika i roto te wai”. option4 has been fully supportive of the mid-north Iwi Forum since last year.

If you are keen to be at the next hui of the Accord in Ruawai, Northland, from July 20 th and 21 st please call Trish on (09) 8186205 or email trish@option4.co.nz for more details.


Recreational Forums

Background info here


Marine Protection and Access

Akaroa Marine Reserve

Promoting kaitiakitanga (guardianship) through local management is preferable to no-take forever marine reserves that do not address overfishing or water quality issues. The Akaroa reserve debate is an example of this Christchurch community's wishes being overridden by the ideologies of the Department of Conservation.


Great Barrier (Aotea) Marine Reserve

While DoC has no intention of providing money to balance the marine reserve argument they are quite happy to spend over $270,000 of your money on the Barrier proposal. More here >>>>


What is happening to our seas?

A series of seminars explaining why conventional fisheries management and marine reserves are no longer effective in saving our seas. Book a seat at a seminar near you here >>>


Public Access Review

Secure your access to the coastline, hunting and fishing opportunities. This may be your only chance to have a say to the Walking Access Panel. Last day for submissions is this Friday, June 30th.


Please Help

If you value the work option4 do on your behalf please make a donation. There is so much more we could do to improve the advocacy we provide. Please give generously and invest in you and your children's fishing future.




The opportunity to communicate with you is highly valued. Your feedback is welcome. Please send your comments to update@option4.co.nz.

If you are not already subscribed to these Updates please go here to be kept informed. It's easy and its FREE. Subscribe now https://option4.co.nz/register.php

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Watch Black Magic Fishing NZ on Sky Sport. See your TV guide for details.

Regards from

the team at option4

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