In December 2002 the NZRFC, NZBGFC and option4 signed
off on their “Letter of Consensus”. Representatives
then met with the Minister, Pete Hodgson, to re-establish momentum
in the discussions over how to better define and protect the publics
right to fish for food. The following documents trace the process
of this phase (2003) of the work being done to secure the rights
of the public to fish for food.
Minister's response to the consensus letter on the reform proposals for recreational fishing – December 2003
- Consensus letter to the Minister on the proposed Reforms of the Amateur Marine Fishing Policy Paper – December 2003
- Paper from the Ministry of Fisheries on reforming the Amateur Marine Fishing policy – September 2003
The “Letter of Consensus” – December 2002
- Minutes of meeting with the Minister December 2002 –
- The Occasional Papers presented and discussed at the meeting
with the Minister in December 2002 -www.option4.co.nz/occasionalpapers.htm
- The Minister replies to the Letter of Consensus – January
2003 - www./option4.co.nz/letter42.htm
- Minutes of the first meeting of the Reference Group January
2003 www.option4.co.nz/referencegroupminute29103.htm
- Minutes of the second meeting of the Reference Group February
2003 www.option4.co.nz/referencegroupminutefeb03.htm
- Talking Points paper presented to the Reference Group meeting
held in February – www.option4.co.nz/talkingpoints.htm
- Sanford (South Island) v Moyle – transcript as provided
from Booker and Co www.option4.co.nz/sanfordsouthislandvmoyle.htm
- Paper on developments in Australia (relevant to the right and
compensation issue) www.option4.co.nz/australiapaper.htm
- A paper on how the right to fish for sustenance purposes became
subject to constraints www.option4.co.nz/sustenanceconstraintspaper.htm
- A paper explaining how the change from fixed to proportional
ITQ came about www.option4.co.nz/itqfixedtoproportional.htm
- Taiapure and mataitai established as at February 2003 www.option4.co.nz/taiapuremataiataifeb03.htm
- Minutes of the third Reference Group meeting March 2003 www.option4.co.nz/referencegroupminutesmar03.htm