Notes of issues discussed and decisions
Amateur fishers (AF):
Paul Barnes
Scott Macindoe
Jason Foord
Steve Tee
Kim Walshe
Ross Gildon
Keith Ingram
Richard Baker
Jeff Romeril
Officials (O):
Stan Crothers
Mark Edwards
Peter Cole
The meeting commenced at approximately 1.30pm at the Bucklands Beach
Yacht Club.
There were two main agenda items:
- Matters arising from the 29 January meeting;
- Development of reform options consistent with the constraints
set out in the Minister of Fisheries letter of 21 January 2003
and the principles set out in the joint letter dated 8 December
Notes from the last meeting
Notes from the last meeting were accepted with amendments to the
spelling of several alternate members of the group.
Actions arising from the last meeting
Request |
Action |
Provide a list of the quota transferred
to Maori as part of the interim settlement. |
Referred to Service Delivery within the
Ministry for action. |
Provide option4 with an electronic and hard
copy of a recently released discussion document by the Ministry
for the Fisheries Services Plenary and to ensure option4 is
on future mailing lists. |
option4 now has document. |
Provide a list of taiapures and mataitai
reserves and locations. |
(Fisheries Management) Ministry of Fisheries
to action. |
Send out draft meeting notes within three
working days of the meeting and finalised meeting notes within
two working days of any corrections being received. |
Finalised meeting notes sent out by email
on 10 February |
Provide a paper setting out where the right
to fish came from, how (and at what point) this right to fish
became eroded and subservient to other statutory rights and
obligations. |
Submitted at meeting. |
Combine the occasional papers into one Word
document with consecutively numbered paragraphs and email this
document to Reference Group members. |
Sent to reference group members by email
on 31 January. |
The paper setting out how (and at what point) the right to fish
by amateur fishers became subject to constraints was discussed.
AF thought it didn’t think it covered a key issue originally
raised about the right to fish for food or sustenance. O indicated
that the law didn’t distinguish between amateur sport and
sustenance fishing. AF asked about the legal status of the paper.
Had it been reviewed by the Ministry’s legal section. O indicated
the paper was largely historical in its scope. The legal aspects
were addressed in the occasional papers-paragraphs 25-51. This paper
had been peer reviewed by Crown Law and the Ministry for Foreign
Affairs and Trade. A wide-ranging discussion followed about the
difficulties of managing a shared fishery where the groups sharing
the resource had different needs and significantly different access
rights. AF raised the issue of the Crown’s obligations to
provide for sustenance fishing under various UN conventions. Officials
stated that these “soft law” statements did not bind
the Crown. [This issue is addressed in paragraphs 44-49 of the occasional
papers.] Officials undertook to provide a further paper specifically
addressing when the right to fish for sustenance purposes became
subject to constraints.
Development of Reform Options
A “talking points” paper prepared by officials was
circulated. [Attached as an appendix to these notes.] This focused
on the nature of the principles from the 8 December letter and the
constraints set out in the Minister’s letter. AF made it clear
that any papers to be discussed at the Reference Group meetings
needed to be emailed at least three days prior to the meeting in
order to ensure meaningful discussion. Officials accepted the desirability
of this but noted that it might not always be possible.
AF indicated that the priority right referred to in the joint letter
shouldn’t be read in isolation from the other principles particularly
the principle relating to the ability to devise plans. Amateur fishers
were not seeking an absolute unconditional priority right. It will
be conditional on not wasting or squandering the resource. What
they are seeking is a planning process to improve the utilisation
of the resource. The right to develop plans and sustainability measures-
[changes as appropriate to method or gear use, size limits, bag
limits etc]- to achieve improved utilisation of the resource.
If the stock assessment suggested the need to reduce take both
commercial and amateur fishers should be given the opportunity to
implement measures that reduced fishing mortality and wasteful fishing
practices. If, after the implementation of these measures, it was
apparent that the abundance of fish was insufficient to meet the
needs of commercial and amateur fishers, then the priority would
be invoked and a reallocation take place to restore the “recreational”
allowance to a level that provided a reasonable daily bag limit.
Any allocation process needed to ensure that those groups who contributed
to sustaining and rebuilding fish stocks benefited according to
their contributions. AF felt all to often the benefits of their
contribution to rebuilding fish stocks were appropriated by the
commercial sector.
The concept of a limited spatial priority as suggested in the “talking
points” paper was discussed. AF expressed the need for the
priority right to reflect the nature of the fish stocks. Some popular
recreational species were migratory (kingfish). A limited spatial
right might not prove effective in these circumstances. Other species
were more sedentary (shell fish and crayfish). Spatial priority
might be appropriate in these circumstances.
AF suggested it might be useful to test priority options by looking
at the likely outcomes for key recreational species such as snapper,
kahawai, blue cod, kingfish, rock lobster, scallops. Working through
an example produced the following important issues:
- Need to research biomass, harvest levels and sustainability
- If harvest is above sustainable levels, need to look at alternative
ways of accommodating harvest but with reduced impact on sustainability
e.g gear changes [commercial sector still using diamond netting
was used as an example], and performance standards. Might need
to poll amateur fishers on the options and outcomes;
- Recreational demand is highest near population centres so fishery
management may need to be different in these localities;
- AMP programmes were not appropriate in shared fisheries unless
all sectors shared in the benefits
- Other innovative ways to retain recruitment (such as closures
after those year where recruitment is very abundant to give these
juveniles are better chance to mature and add to the biomass);
- Population growth in regions such as Auckland leads to increases
in overall fishing effort in fisheries accessible from Auckland
and to increased harvest take;
- Incentive structures not working as well as expected. Competitive
pressures were seen by officials as a disincentive in some circumstances
to work collectively;
- Msy v Mey ; sustenance needs v sports (larger fish) needs;
- Need for fishery management processes to be such that amateur
fisher contribution to sustainability were recognised and secured
and not given to other sectors;
- If after available fishery management tools not successful
in improving sustainability of fish stock then allocative criteria
needed to give effect to amateur priority through a gradual reallocation
over time from commercial to recreational.