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To achieve a good level of understanding of complex fisheries management scenarios we believe it is important to read the available data in good order.

The various documents have been broken up and reorganised by species and fishery. This facilitates downloading as, intact, these documents are big and unwieldy.

For each fishery management proposal we have submitted to we present the available information in the following order.

  1. The Ministry of Fisheries (MFish) management proposal as presented in the Initial Position Paper (IPP)
  2. The Minister of Fisheries' "Preliminary View" letter.
  3. Submissions to the IPP from option4 and others, as available.
  4. The MFish Final Advise Paper (FAP) incorporating stakeholders submissions
  5. The Ministers Final Decision for the species.
  6. Articles and Letters relating to this fishery, as available

Initial Position Paper (IPP) from the Ministry of Fisheries on the introduction of kingfish into the Quota Management System. This sets out the Ministry's view on how the species should be managed with the QMS. (277Kb)
14 May 2003
Introductory letter from the Ministry of Fisheries asking for submissions on the kingfish IPP
15 May 2003
Preliminary View

Kingfish is due to enter the QMS on 1 October 2003. I am writing to inform you of my initial views on options for sustainability measures and other management controls for this species….
28 May 2003

option4 submission on the introduction of kingfish into the Quota Management System 1 October 2003 (63Kb)
17 June 2003
NZ Recreational Fishing Council (NZRFC) submission on the introduction into the QMS of kingfish.
15 June 2003
NZ Big Game Fishing Council (NZBGFC) submit to the introduction of kingfish into the QMS. An interesting read (59Kb)
13 June 2003
Mark Feldman has written a short, sharp submission on the introduction of kingfish into the QMS
25 June 2003
An in depth submission from Bert Lee of Tolaga Bay East Cape Charters. Bert is an experienced fisherman and charter operator.
31 May 2003
NZBGFC Submission on the introduction of new species into the Quota Management System 1 October 2003. Recreational fishers believe that New Zealand's world-class kingfish sport fishery is under threat.
11 July 2002
Final Advice Paper

The Final Advice Paper for the introduction of kingfish into the Quota Management System (204Kb)
6 Sept 2003
Ministers Final Decision

The Minister of Fisheries decision on allocation for kingfish in the QMS (46Kb)
3 Sept 2003

Articles and Letters

The Ministry responds to a question regarding the process for final advice to the Minister on the introduction of kingfish into the QMS

August 2003
option4 article regarding kingfish allocation - NZ Fishing News
"Put that kingfish back so the commercial fishermen can catch their new quota."
July 2003
Rick Pollock writes to the Minister regarding pre - QMS kingfish scramble for quota and catch history.
July 2003
Mark Feldman writes to the Minister of Fisheries regarding kingfish being brought into the QMS
27 June 2003
option4 write to the Minister regards his upcoming allocation decisions for Kingfish as it enters the QMS
7 May 2003