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11 August 2003

Arthur Hore from the Ministry of Fisheries writes to option4 to clarify the process for making final advice to the Minister of Fisheries on kingfish.

Dear Scott

Your e-mail to Mike Arbuckle regarding the process to provide final
advice on kingfish has been forwarded to me for reply. Apologies for
the delay in responding.
You ask what the process is for finalising advice to the Minister and
the MInister's decision-making process. It is normally (and will be in
this case) as follows:

  • The Ministry compiles and summarises submissions received on
    its initial proposals for TACs allowances and TACCs and the MInister's
    initial view
  • Issues raised in submissions are considered and a response is
  • Final advice to the Minister is developed to outline
  • Initial proposals
  • Stakeholder responses
  • Ministry consideration and response to stakeholder views
  • Recommendations

The Minister then considers this advice and the views of stakeholders
and decides from the options presented or an alternative if he/she
prefers. The Minister is currently considering kingfish final advice.

Once the decisions of the Minister are known then these are advised to
stakeholders in writing and normally a copy of the final advice to the
Minister is available at this time on request.

Hope this answers your enquiry

Arthur Hore