The Conservation Management Strategy, Auckland Conservancy
(DoC) 1995-2005. Objective – to create a network of up to
20 marine protected areas in Auckland area by 2005. The BIG Plan.
option4 invitation to the Auckland Conservation Board to discuss
an integrated approach to marine protection. Scott Macindoe addresses
the Board 28 August 2003
Leigh Fishermen's Association address the Board with their concerns over the Great Barrier Island marine reserve proposal on June 26 2003
26/6/03 - option4 statement to Auckland Conservation Board regards
public consultation for Great Barrier marine reserve proposal
Trish Rea addresses the ACB 26 June 2003 regarding the ad hoc
approach to marine protection.
Minutes of meeting - 14 May 2003 including discussion on Tiritiri
and west coast proposals.
Minutes of meeting - 27 February 2003 including discussion
on Barrier, Tiritiri and Tawharanui.
Submissions & Reports
The ACB submission to the Marine Reserves Bill, Jan 2003 –
A must read to understand the ACB stance regarding marine reserves.
Marine Sub-Committee report to the ACB on making submissions
on the Great Barrier and West Coast proposals June 2003.