21 January 2003
Clerk of the Committee
Local Government and Environment Committee
Select Committee Secretariat
Bowen House
Parliament Buildings
Fax Number: (04) 499 0486
1. This submission is made on behalf of the Auckland Conservation
Board ["the Board"].
2. The Auckland Conservation Board is appointed by the Minister
of Conservation pursuant to Part IIA section 6L of the Conservation
Act 1987. The Board has three Maori members appointed in consultation
with the Minister of Maori Affairs.
3. The primary functions of the Board are identified in section
6M of that Act as follows:
6M. Functions of Boards -
(1) The functions of each Board shall be –
(a) To recommend the approval by the Conservation Authority of conservation
management strategies, and the review and amendment of such strategies,
under the relevant enactments:
(b) To approve conservation management plans, and the review and
amendment of such plans, under the relevant enactments: [emphasis
(c) To advise the Conservation Authority and the Director-General
on the implementation of conservation management strategies and
conservation management plans for areas within the jurisdiction
of the Board: [emphasis added]
(d) To advise the Conservation Authority or the Director-General
i. On any proposed change of status or classification of any area
of national or international importance: and
ii. On any other conservation matter relating to any area within
the jurisdiction of the Board: [emphasis added]
(e) To advise the Conservation Authority and the Director-General
on proposals for new walkways in any area within the jurisdiction
of the Board:
(f) To liaise with any Fish and Game Council on matters within the
jurisdiction of the Board:
(g) To exercise such powers and functions as may be delegated to
it by the Minister under this Act or any other Act.
4. The powers of the Board are defined under the Conservation Act
6N. Powers of Boards –
(1) Every Board shall have all such powers as are reasonably necessary
to expedient to enable it to carry out its functions.
(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1) of this section,
each Board may
(a) Advocate its interests at any public forum or in any statutory
planning process; and
(b) Appoint committees of members and other suitable persons, and
delegate to them functions and powers.
(3) The power conferred by subsection (2)(a) of this section shall
include the right to appear before Courts and tribunals in New Zealand
and be heard on matters affecting or relating to the Board's functions.
5. The Board's interests are accordingly founded on the Conservation
Act 1987, which is an Act to promote the conservation of New Zealand's
natural and physical resources. By virtue of its conservation management
overview and advocacy roles, the Board has a particular interest
in the proposed legislation.
6. The Board's submissions on the Marine Reserves Bill ["the
Bill"] relate to public interest matters in respect of its
conservation interests. Conservation is defined in Section 2 of
the Conservation Act as:
"The preservation and protection of natural and historic resources
for the purpose of maintaining their intrinsic values, providing
for their appreciation and recreational enjoyment by the public
and safeguarding the options of future generations".
7. The Board has four marine reserves within its area of jurisdiction:
- Kermadec Islands
- Cape Rodney - Okakari Point
- Long Bay - Okura
- Motu Manawa [Pollen Island]
8. A statutory Conservation Management Plan for the Cape Rodney
- Okakari Point Marine Reserve has been approved by the Board [entitled:
Leigh Reserves Complex Conservation Management Plan] and is operative.
9. In addition a proposed marine reserve adjacent to Waiheke Island
[Te Matuku Bay] has been accepted by the Minister and is currently
with concurrent ministers. A further two marine reserve applications
[around East Coast Great Barrier Island and Tiritiri Matangi Island
respectively] are pending.
10. The Board is one of the few Boards with extensive experience
with marine reserves - the Cape Rodney - Okakari Point Marine Reserve
[also known colloquially as the Goat Island or Leigh Marine Reserve]
having been established in 1975, the first such reserve.
General Submission
11. Introduction: The Board is strongly supportive of this Bill,
designed to help implement the New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy
and to provide for the preservation and protection of marine biodiversity.
The focus of the Bill is to protect marine communities and ecosystems.
The vision as proposed is too narrow. It should also include places
of special intrinsic value such as geological features, archaeological
features, places of spiritual significance, areas of special aesthetic
or amenity value, areas used by migrating birds, bird colonies and
their associated feeding areas, seal and whale migration routes.
12. The Bill adopts the Section 4 Conservation Act expression of
the Treaty obligation. While this is the most onerous of the various
statutory Treaty expressions, the Board considers that appropriate
and supports its inclusion.
13. As a general observation, marine reserves tend to be controversial.
For that reason it is important that tangata whenua, local communities
and interested parties are involved in the development and management
of reserves. The Board supports the general provisions to that effect
contained within the Bill.
14. The Board also supports the extension of Marine Reserve jurisdiction
from mean high water springs to the 200-mile outer limit of the
Exclusive Economic Zone - including seamounts and sea hills, which
are well offshore. It is particularly important that marine biodiversity
is protected throughout its range and not just in the immediate
vicinity of human populations.
15. The Board is disappointed that the Bill effectively only addresses
one element of the suite of marine protection mechanisms which may
also include:
- Marine National Parks [no take areas];
- Marine Sanctuaries [no-go areas];
- Marine Parks [with some recreational fishing but no commercial
- Marine protected areas [areas with special features to be protected];
- Mataitai and Taipure [managed principally by local iwi].
In the Board's opinion this Bill represents a missed opportunity
to address marine reserves in as comprehensive a manner as we have
addressed land reserves. The Board has no doubt that there is a
need for many types of Marine Reserves throughout New Zealand in
order to maintain community support and enthusiasm for such mechanisms,
and provide appropriate solutions to marine biodiversity problems/issues.
16. For example, the Board considers that there is an urgent need
to protect areas with special characteristics and values, especially
close to cities such as Takapuna reef, Howick reef, Mangemangeroa
estuary and valley. This is especially true as intense pressure
from aquaculture, coastal developments and increasing urbanisation
of the coastline brings conflicting interests to the surface. Marine
reserves as constituted under the existing and proposed legislation,
and the coastal provisions of the RMA, are not appropriate for this
17. Similarly, the Board notes that the Bill does not give protection
to single species. Few marine species are protected in the way we
protect, for example invertebrates, lizards, plants and other rare
or endangered species on land. Some areas are over-fished and would
benefit from protection from further over-exploitation.
18. The Board has concerns about the current processes for marine
reserve in particular potential for delays. It therefore strongly
supports proposals in the Bill for time limits on the consultation
between the Minister of Conservation and other Ministers.
19. The Bill allows for mining, exploration, and prospecting in
Marine Reserves under the Minerals Act 1991. However, the 1996 Crown
Minerals Act prohibits mineral activity in marine reserves but this
seems not to be recognised in the Bill. The Board considers these
mining activities inappropriate in a 21st century marine reserve
context and recommends appropriate amendments accordingly, subject
to the satisfactory termination of any existing licences or permits.
Clause Specific Submissions
20. Clause 3 definition of "foreshore": This is slightly
at variance with the definition used under the Foreshore and Seabed
Endowment Revesting Act 1991, and subtly at variance with the definition
used under the Resource Management Act 1991. To ensure minimal confusion
with respect to the status of the subsoil the Board recommends adopting
the RMA definition's use of the term "land" rather than
the looser current wording "parts of the bed ... ".
21. Clause 3 and throughout: 1t is unclear to the Board why the
Continental Shelf has been omitted from the various jurisdictional
references - since this greatly exceeds the Exclusive Economic Zone
[EEZ] in many instances and will be lodged for confirmation in the
next few years [currently anticipated in 2006] as required under
the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea by 2009. If
it is determined that coastal states may impose marine reserves
within the EEZ, the Continental Shelf should also be included under
this Bill under clause 5: Application of this Act. Indeed the Board
notes that clause 129 amends the approval process of the Continental
Shelf Act 1964 but is otherwise silent.
22. Clause 4: The present clause is unspecific with respect to
precisely what is meant by the terms "enforcement activities"
and "operational activities". The Board is concerned that
these terms could be interpreted very liberally. For example, to
include routine training exercises with live ammunition. The clause
should be amended to provide some direction in that regard - particularly
with respect to NZ's internal waters and territorial sea.
23. Clause 7: The expressed Purpose is "to conserve indigenous
marine biodiversity...". The Board broadly agrees with this
Purpose but considers it too narrowly expressed. We are aware of
the New Zealand Conservation Authority's recommended revised wording
and adopt that submission.
24. The Board also notes that the verb "conserve" is
not defined - as it is in the Conservation Act. As both qualifying
verbs "preserving" and "protecting" are defined,
the Board recommends that "conserve" be defined to avoid
confusion with these secondary terms.
25. Clause 12(3)(a): The Board does not support the presumption
that anchoring is a permitted activity unless otherwise "overridden"
by subclause (5). The Board recommends the reverse presumption -
that is that anchoring is only permitted if a provision in a management
plan or subclause (5) mechanism permits.
26. Clause 12(3)(d): Amend to make it clear that once existing
licences expire no mining activities will be permitted, and no application
may be made, in marine reserves established under this Act - and
make such consequential amendments as are necessary.
27. Clause 13(1): A marine reserve conservation management plan
may also provide guidance on certain trivial permitted activities
and should be included as a new subclause (c).
28. Clause 17: The Board considers that it is unnecessary and cumbersome
to have this consenting role rest with the Minister. Conservation
Boards have been established to provide local, independent advice
to conservancies on conservation matters and should be the confirming
authority with respect to particular reserves.
29. Clause 18(4)(a): The Board strongly supports the present subclause
- as long as the Bill retains a single purpose and marine reserve
classification. However, the Board's preference is for a better
graded system of marine reserve classes - in which case customary
take, for example, may be quite appropriate.
30. Part 3 subpart 1 - Managers and advisory bodies: the Board
supports the option of establishing management boards and/or reserve
committees for marine reserves, but seeks an amendment requiring
the Minister to consult with the local conservation board prior
to deciding whether to appoint such a body and with regard to potential
candidates for appointment.
31. Clause 24(2): The Board is strongly of the view that any advisory
body should be attached to the local Conservation Board to avoid
unnecessary administrative duplication. A reserve committee could
be formed as a sub-committee of the Conservation Board with additional
co-opted members as required. This clause should be amended accordingly.
32. Clause 35: This clause should be amended to also enable any
Conservation Board to advise the Director-General, lest it be interpreted
as restricting that current ability.
33. Clause 39 following - Management plans: The Board supports
these administrative and procedural provisions. In its broader experience
with conservation management plans [as well as specifically with
regard to the Leigh Reserves Complex CMP covering Cape Rodney -
Okakari Point marine reserve] such a process is essential to gaining
and maintaining local trust and commitment.
34. Clause 44: The Board does not support the requirement that
the Minister approves marine reserves management plans. Currently
this function lies with the local Conservation Board, and the Board
is not aware of any problems caused by that "route" that
justifies removing the function to the Minister. Indeed local acceptance
of reserves and management plans is arguably increased by locating
the function locally. Clause 44 should be amended accordingly.
35. An alternative amendment, if the Minister wishes to retain
the option of appointing a Conservation Board as a management committee,
is to retain the Ministerial approval function for those situations
36. Clause 48(a): amend to specifically include a requirement to
consult with the local Conservation Board.
37. Clause 63: Perceptions are that significant delays arise in
the present regime from the lack of any timeframe for concurrent
Ministers to respond to proposals. This clause is therefore strongly
supported by the Board. However it remains uncertain as to what
is to happen if a Consultation Minister fails to respond within
the due period but indicates an intention to do so subsequently.
It appears from clause 64 that the Director-General is then bound
to proceed. To avoid future doubt this should be clarified.
38. Clause 109 Strict liability offences: The Bill proposes a schedule
of offences for activities that occur within a marine reserve. However,
no offence is listed for activities that occur beyond a marine reserve
but that impact upon and within a marine reserve - such as, for
example, the release of contaminants from land or to the sea adjacent
to a marine reserve. The Board recommends this for inclusion as
a separate identifiable offence.
39. That this Committee grant such relief as is necessary to incorporate
the points raised in this submission and, specifically:
a) Amend clause 3 to include a definition of “conserve".
b) Amend clause 3 definition of “foreshore".
c) Amend clause 3 to include a definition of the Continental Shelf.
d) Amend clause 5 to provide for the Continental Shelf.
e) Delete clause 12(3)(a) and consequential amendments to clause
12(3)(b) to make it clear that normal operation does not include
stopping and anchoring, and to clause 17(1).
f) Amend clause 13(1) to include a new subclause (3) relating to
the provisions of an approved management plan prepared under Part
3 - and consequential amendment to clause 16(2).
g) Amend clause 17(1) to remove the reference to the Minister and
substitute a reference to the Conservation Board. Amend clause 17(7)
to make it clear that the Conservation Board must advise the Minister,
who in turn must advise other relevant Ministers.
h) Amend clauses 20, 24 and 27 to provide for consultation with
local conservation boards regarding the establishment and composition
of management boards and/or reserve committees.
i) Amend clause 24(2) to establish conservation boards as the relevant
marine reserve advisory body, with a power for the Minister to appoint
additional members to that subcommittee in consultation with the
respective Board. Make consequential amendments to clause 27 and
Schedule 1.
j) Amend clause 35 to enable Conservation Boards to continue to
advise the Director-General on marine reserve matters
k) Amend clause 44 to provide Conservation Boards with the function
of approving marine reserve management plans.
l) Amend clause 48(a) to specifically include a requirement to
consult with the local Conservation Board.
m) Amend either clause 63 or 64 to make it clear that the final
report must be provided to the Minister irrespective of whether
Consultation Ministers have responded, and that no extension in
time is permitted.
n) Make a consequential amendment probably to the Resource Management
Act 1991, establishing the discharge of a contaminant to the environment
in such a manner as to adversely affect a marine reserve as a special
offence with appropriate penalties.
o) Amend clause 129 to provide for an additional offence, being
activities occurring beyond the reserve that directly impact upon
and within the reserve.
p) Amend clause 120 to include the Continental Shelf.
The Board wishes to be heard on its submission. The Board wishes
to be advised of the dates for hearings both in Wellington and Auckland.
Yours faithfully
Paddy Stafford-Bush