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Ngapuhi in Fisheries

Ngapuhi's Advocacy in Non-Commercial Fisheries

Te Runanga A Iwi o Ngapuhi

2005 - 2008


Process for writing and ratification of Ngapuhi affidavit to Kahawai Legal Challenge

The affidavit in support of the Kahawai Legal Challenge from Te Runanga A Iwi o Ngapuhi (TRAION) only came about after extensive process and consultation with the many hapu that makes up the iwi.

Great care was taken to ensure opportunity for people to achieve understanding of the complex issues at stake, as can be seen in the schedule of meetings and discussions that took place and are still taking place and will continue to take place.

We have certainly learnt the value of good process from working with tangata whenua on this issue. They have so much obligation to ensure people have input.

Ngapuhi can be justifiably proud of this work and the commitment they have made to ensure“more fish in the water/kia maha atu nga ika i roto i te wai” and a better quality non-commercial fishery for all.

Tautoko and thank you.



Several Ngapuhi Board members meet with option4 representatives to discuss non-commercial fishing issues of mutual concern.


Discussion at TRAION Board meeting

25th Jan

option4 presentation to TRAION Board

25th Jan
Kahawai Legal Challenge team participate in the inaugural Ngapuhitanga Festival, Kaikohe.
29 - 31st Jan
Discussion at TRAION Board meeting
Feb, March
First Hokianga Accord hui at Whitiora Marae
29th April
Ngapuhi chairman Sonny Tau discusses the Whitiora hui on Tautoko FM radio.
30th April
Media Release - Maori and recreational fishing interests plan a united front.
15th May
Easy to follow background information provided to the media covering what happened at the Whitiora hui, why and what next.
15th May
Discussion at TRAION Board meeting
April, May, June, July
Resolution to support KLC-Res # 2005/05/05
23rd May
Takiwa and Taurahere monthly meetings
Feb, Mar, April, May
Discussion at TRAION Board meeting
Aug, Sept
Takiwa and Taurahere monthly meetings
South Auckland Taurahere meeting and vote
10th May

West Auckland Taurahere meeting and vote

Personal invitation to the second Hokianga Accord hui from Ngapuhi and Accord Chairman Sonny Tau, to MFish CE John Glaister.
23rd June
The Hokianga Accord write to MFish to 'straighten up the play' in regards to MFish resourcing of the forum.
30th June
How taiapure and mataitai can assist the non-commercial fishing sector - speech to NZ Recreational Fishing Council AGM
9th July
Second Hokianga Accord hui - Whakamaharatanga Marae
27 - 29th July
The outcome of the July hui was an agreed position from Hokianga Accord participants and the Ministry of Fisheries.
29th July
Ngapuhi Kahawai Legal Challenge affidavit signed and witnessed                                                                (Note: PDF 840Kb)
10th Aug
Filing of Statement of Claim in Auckland High Court - Kahawai Legal Challenge                                         (Note: PDF 1.4MB)
12th Aug
The Minister of Fisheries, David Benson-Pope, congratulates Tai Tokerau iwi for working with other recreational fishers to form the Hokianga Accord.
12th Aug
Third Hokianga Accord hui - Whakamaharatanga Marae
29 - 30th Aug
MFish feedback on the Hokianga Accord's draft Kaupapa Whakahaere (Memorandum of Understanding).
8th Nov
Fourth Hokianga Accord hui - Whakamaharatanga Marae
10 - 11th Nov
Overview of November hui presented by Stephen Naera to his takiwa
16th Nov
Guest editorial by Sonny Tau, published in Seafood New Zealand magazine.

Hokianga Accord 'short line out' Working Group hui report.

18th Dec
Kahawai Legal Challenge and Hokianga Accord teams participate in the Ngapuhitanga Festival held in Kaikohe.
28 - 30th Jan
How the law is being ignored to the detriment of Maori - a very powerful speech given to the Te Matau a Maui Maori Fisheries Conference in Napier.
27th Feb
Chairman of Ngapuhi, Sonny Tau, address to the iwi chairpersons hui in Wellington. Maori fishing interests lie in their recreational right.
3rd March
Hokianga Accord panui to the Whitiora Marae hui distributed and published in the New Zealand Fishing News magazine.
7th March
MFish' late response to the Hokianga Accord structure, as proposed during the December 2005 hui.
17th March
Working Group's response to the Ministry's concerns about the Accord's structure, status and funding.
4th April
MFish issue a last minute list of concerns, on the eve of the Whitiora hui and threaten not to participate in the April hui.
5th April
The Working Group respond immediately answering the challenges raised in the Ministry's letter dated 5th April.
5th April
Fifth Hokianga Accord hui - Whitiora Marae
6 - 7th April
MFish clarification of their interpretation of "input and participation" as per section 12 of the Fisheries Act 1996.                                                                      (Note: PDF 320Kb)
12th April
Hokianga Accord 'short line out' Working Group hui report
20 - 21st April
The Ministry maintain the Hokianga Accord is not an iwi regional forum and will not fund it's activities.
26 May
The Ministry are advised they have no grounds for withdrawing funding for the Hokianga Accord.
20 June
Ngapuhi, Ngati Whatua, Ngati Wai, Te Uri O Hau and Te Roroa meet with MFish in Whangarei.
30th June
The Chairman of Ngapuhi acknowledges the Ministry's input into the meeting held in Whangarei on June 30th.
2nd July
The Hokianga Accord send out a panui inviting people to the Naumai Marae hui.
3rd July
The Ministry has a vastly different perspective of the 30th June meeting held to discuss the Hokianga Accord with tribal leaders.
19th July

The Ministry do a full 180 on the Hokianga Accord and deny it is the mid north iwi Forum. They wont pay the costs either.

                                                              (Note: PDF 130Kb)

19th July
Sixth Hokianga Accord hui - Naumai Marae
20 - 21st July
A letter to MFish clarifying the statutory obligations the Crown has to provide for tangata whenua's input and participation into fisheries management.
31st Aug
The Hokianga Accord's letter of appreciation to the Outboard Boating Club for the use of their premises to launch the new information website www.fish4nz.co.nz, an opportunity to increase public awareness of kaitiakitanga.
14th Sept

MFish advise they will not pay for the November hui. In their opinion the hui will not be a meeting of the regional iwi fisheries forum. MFish will send staff to discuss items on the agenda.

28th Sept

MFish invite Ngapuhi to another hui to continue discussions about the development of a mid-northern iwi fisheries forum.

6th Oct

Ngapuhi advise MFish they will not be attending the Whangarei meeting as it was superfluous due to previous correspondence explaining Ngapuhi's position and understanding of the Hokianga Accord.

11th Oct
Joint submission from non-commercial fishers on the Deemed Value Review                                           (Note: PDF 390Kb)
20th Oct
Seventh Hokianga Accord hui - Whakapoumahara Marae, Whananaki
16 - 17th Nov
Ngapuhi write to MFish pointing out their lack of funding for Hokianga Accord hui, their failure to pay marae hui fees and their continued refusal to recognise the Hokianga Accord as the mid-north Iwi Forum.                                 (Note: PDF 120Kb)
5th Dec

Preliminary View issued - A critique and analysis of the MFish Shared Fisheries proposals.

15th Dec
Joint submission from non-commercial fishers on the Shared Fisheries proposals.                                   (Note: PDF 820Kb)
28th Feb
Kahawai Legal Challenge and Hokianga Accord teams participate in the Ngapuhitanga Festival held in Manukau City.
3rd March
Kahawai Legal Challenge judgment delivered by Justice Rhys Harrison. A win for all non-commercial fishers.                                                                                      (Note: PDF 190Kb)
21st March
The Hokianga Accord send out a panui inviting all to the Oturei Marae hui.
23rd March
Eighth Hokianga Accord hui - Oturei Marae, Dargaville
19 - 20th April
Sustainability is the key concern in this joint submission in response to MFish proposals for the Coromandel scallop fishery.
23rd July
Accord asks for big cuts to tuna (eel) catches due to sustainability concerns in this submission to MFish.
27th July
Ninth Hokianga Accord hui - Whakamaharatanga Marae, Hokianga
16 - 17th Aug

MFish respond to NZBGFC queries regarding the status of the Hokianga Accord as the mid north iwi fisheries forum.

(Note: PDF 660Kb)

31st Aug

The NZBGFC's letter to the Minister of Fisheries regarding the Crown's obligations to tangata whenua in fisheries management.

(Note: PDF 40Kb)

4th Sept
The Accord's invitation to MFish to attend the 10th overnight hui at Waipapa Marae on November 9th and 10th.
17th Sept

Joint submission on the Marine Protected Areas Standards document from MFish and DoC.

(Note: PDF 290Kb)

1st Oct

The Accord's Waipapa hui invitation to the Minister of Fisheries and other fisheries spokespeople.

(Note: PDF 20Kb)

8th Oct

MFish senior officials advise they are unable to attend the November hui and object to the manner in which they received the hui invitation.

(Note: PDF 40Kb)

16th Oct

The Minister of Fisheries advises he is unavailable to attend the hui but is happy to receive an invitation to meet at another time.

(Note: PDF 60Kb)

18th Oct

The Accord's respond to MFish. The forum is growing weary of MFish senior manager's obstructive and divisive behaviour. The hui invitation is re-issued in case they change their minds.

(Note: PDF 40Kb)

26th Oct

The Minister does not accept the Crown is failing its obligations nor does he recognise the Accord as being an iwi fisheries forum. A response to the NZ Big Game Fishing Council's letter of 4th Sept.

(Note: PDF 30Kb)

7th Nov

A list of questions put to MFish from the Hokianga Accord hui held at Waipapa Marae, Auckland University.

(Note: PDF 20Kb)

9th Nov

Accord supports MFish proposals to include freshwater in the Kaimoana Regulations. Submission sent to MFish.

(Note: PDF 180Kb)

22nd Nov

MFish letter following the mid-December meeting held to discuss mid north iwi's engagement with MFish.

(Note: PDF 160Kb)

17th Jan
Hokianga Accord team participate in the Ngapuhitanga Festival held in Kaikohe.
26-27th Jan

Jim Anderton's response to the Accord's Update #4 asking where the $17 million of Deed of Settlement Implementation Programme money has gone.

(Note: PDF 20Kb)

7th Mar

MFish answers to the questions about the $17 million Deed of Settlement funding were supplied in an article written by Jim Anderton (see item above).

(Note: PDF 20Kb)

7th Mar

Accord's letter to the Minister expressing concerns about the proposed amendment to section 13 of the Fisheries Act 1996.

(Note: PDF 30Kb)

18th Apr


For the latest Kahawai Challenge Update click here » »   For full information on the Hokianga Accord click here » »



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