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Media Coverage


Kahawai Legal Challenge

Media Information

2004 -2009


 Ngapuhi is committed to "more fish in the water/kia maha atu nga ika ki roto i te wai"


Media information

2004 2006
2005 2007


2010 Media information


Media Release

Minister's kahawai decision provokes strong reaction

Recreational and customary fishers have reacted strongly to the Minister of Fisheries' latest kahawai decision, because it does not address long-term sustainability concerns nor will it restore abundance to significant areas such as the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park......

30 Sep 10

kahawai media release

Media Release

Kahawai for all New Zealanders

Recreational and customary fishers have battled for years to ensure fisheries managers leave more kahawai in the water and make sufficient allowance for non-commercial fishing interests. There is guarded hope the recent kahawai management proposals will provide these outcomes and more value for the nation...........

5 Jul 10

2008 Media information

Kahawai Legal Challenge Updates

Archive of monthly articles from the Kahawai Legal Challenge team and other contributors, 2004 to 2008...............


Media Release

Supreme Court grants leave to appeal contentious fisheries management priorities

A milestone decision by the Supreme Court to accept an application to review the 2008 Appeal Court kahawai decisions has been welcomed by amateur fishing organisations........

Oct 2008



Hesketh Henry Lawyers comment on the progress of the Kahawai Legal Challenge and Supreme Court application. The outcome of the case has implications for all New Zealanders and sustainable fisheries.

Jul 2008


2007 Media Information

Kahawai - Our Taonga
Who ever thought that Pakeha fishermen would ever stand up for Maori fishing rights? Article by Ngati Whatua's chairperson, Naida Glavish.

Aug 2007

Media comment by NZBGFC President

Time for action, you bet and the Kahawai Legal Challenge (KLC) was a huge step in the right direction.......

Jun 07

Media Release

Kahawai Legal Challenge supports the Minister of Fisheries and questions the fishing industry's commitment to sustainability.

                                                                                               (PDF 20 Kb)

24 May 07

Letter to the Editor

Ken Sims, Research Officer for the NZ Federation of Freshwater Anglers supports the High Court win and challenges the Minister of Fisheries to respect the public's fishing interests.

11 May 07

Media Release

Fishing industry to challenge historic judgment supporting priority of people's right to fish.                                                                             (PDF 20 Kb)

10 May 07

Media Release

Judge finds "wellbeing of the people" the priority in landmark Kahawai Legal Challenge.

22 Mar 07

2006 Media Information

Media Release

Maori and European recreational fishing groups unite to take government to court in unique public good case.

Nov 06

Challenge Poster

Colour version of the A4 size Kahawai Challenge poster. Great for workplace noticeboards, gym or club walls.                                               (PDF 210 Kb)

Oct 06

Challenge Flyer

Printable version of the kahawai flyer. Easy to print using a home printer.

(PDF 190 Kb)

Oct 06

Letter to the Editor

Truth is Stranger Than Fiction - Letter to the NZ Fishing News regarding the Kahawai Legal Challenge.

30 Aug 06

Fishers still to get day in court

The Kahawai Legal Challenge has been put on hold due to delays caused by the Crown's legal team...

4 Jun 06

The Hokianga Accord's call for cuts to commercial take in depleted fisheries is captured in this article from The Bay Chronicle.

19 Jun 06

Mixed response to new kahawai rules

The fishing industry perceives the 10 percent cut in the kahawai catch as inequitable? They must be joking! Reality check for all kahawai fishermen, read more here...

Jan 2006


Kahawai - A legal showdown

Kahawai numbers continue to decline in the Bay of Islands, says Mark Feldman of Kerikeri. A legal showdown is looming.

27 Jan 06

Commercials counterclaim

Commercial fishing industry "Up the Ante" in the Kahawai Legal Challenge by lodging a counterclaim against the 2005 decisions for kahawai.

6 Jan 06

2005 Media Information

Poem - For the Kahawai

May there be bigger ones and more of them in the water. A must read poem by Lew Ritchie.

Nov 05

Costs could be as high as $500,000

The case that is "more about principles than about kahawai" is looking to cost recreational fishers around $500,000.

20 Sep 05

High Court Action Filed

The Kahawai Legal Challenge is formally underway with the filing of proceedings in the High Court.

12 Aug 05

Warning to all fishing lovers: Your days of recreational fishing may be numbered. Article by Alana Swain. Worth a read.

15 Jun 05

Anglers see Red

Kahawai quota cut has anglers seeing red. Tony Orman's view published in the Marlborough Express.

20 Jan 05

Fisheries Feud

TV and t-shirts: fisheries feud. The Blenheim Sun covers the kahawai issue and talks to the Marlborough Recreational Fishers Association.

Jan 2005

2004 Media Information

option4 Media Release

Kahawai bag limit changes are totally irrelevant.

Dec 2004

Weekend Sun Article

Commercial fishers fight back in response to the claims made by recreational representatives involved in the court action.

Dec 2004

option4 Media Release

The government should be encouraging us to fish says option4.

Nov 2004

Kahawai Legal Challenge announcement

Anglers challenge the Minister's decisions on kahawai.

Nov 2004

Court Challenge to yet another fishing decision

Tim Donoghue coverage of the upcoming kahawai court case. Definitely worth reading.


Fishers Hook into the Ministry

An excellent article written by Natasha Mitchell and published in the Weekend Sun, Tauranga.

Nov 2004

Background Information

Minister's Kahawai Decision Rewards the Guilty and Punishes the Innocent.

Nov 2004

TOKM Kahawai Perspective

The Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Commission makes interesting comments on the introduction of kahawai into the QMS.

Oct 2004


Crimpy's depiction of the kahawai issue.

Oct 2004

United Future Not Surprised

United Future's Larry Baldock today said he was not surprised to see a legal claim on the kahawai fishery lodged in the high court...

Aug 2004

Kahawai Advertisement

The NZBGFC published this advert in many of the country's newspapers and magazines to alert the public to what was happening to our kahawai.

Aug 2004

More Information

In depth coverage of the debate over kahawai including historical documents, Ministry of Fisheries papers and Updates.



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