option4 Update # 45 Sept 2004 |
Your Right to Fish |
option4 Foreshore submission |
option4 submit the Foreshore and Seabed Bill proposes to disadvantage tangata whenua by the removal of the common law right (to fish) and any imposition on the public to access a reasonable daily bag limit to feed their families is objectionable. https://option4.co.nz/Marine_Protection/fsbsoption4.htm |
Fisheries Management |
Kahawai |
Aug 2004 David Benson-Pope has sealed the fate of our precious kahawai. The Minister of Fisheries has made his decision to allocate more kahawai to the commercial sector than they have been able to catch for the last two years. https://option4.co.nz/Fisheries_Mgmt/kahdecision804.htm |
June 2004 Read the advice from the Ministry on which the Minister had to base his decision. Make your own mind up on who this Ministry of Fisheries are interested in long-term. https://option4.co.nz/Fisheries_Mgmt/kahfinaladvice.htm |
Sept 2004 Lots more information on the kahawai debate available here… https://option4.co.nz/Fisheries_Mgmt/kahawai.htm |
31 Aug 2004 The public have been betrayed by the minor parties over kahawai says the NZ Recreational Fishing Council. https://option4.co.nz/Fisheries_Mgmt/kahmrrfc804.htm |
31 Aug 2004 Minister botches up kahawai decision according to National's Phil Heatley https://option4.co.nz/Fisheries_Mgmt/kahmrnal804.htm |
31 Aug 2004 Reminiscent of a circus, Parliament discuss kahawai with Larry Baldock of United Future doing his best to prevent kahawai being introduced into the QMS this year. https://option4.co.nz/Fisheries_Mgmt/kahpqs804.htm |
31 Aug 2004 Greens secure a commitment from the government about kahawai https://option4.co.nz/Fisheries_Mgmt/kahmrgns804.htm |
30 Aug 2004 Moment of truth over fisheries according to United Future's Larry Baldock. https://option4.co.nz/Fisheries_Mgmt/kahmr2uf804.htm |
24 Aug 2004 United Future back recreational fishermen over kahawai https://option4.co.nz/Fisheries_Mgmt/kahmruf804.htm |
NZ Fishing News Update # 45 Aug 2004 The latest NZ Fishing News Update includes discussion on the kahawai decision, Great Barrier marine reserve application and Mimiwhangata marine reserve proposal. https://option4.co.nz/Updates_and_Alerts/nzfnupdate45804.htm |
Marine Protection |
Mimiwhangata Marine Reserve Sept 2004 The Department of Conservation are holding public meetings to discuss their proposal for a marine reserve at Mimiwhangata. A professional facilitator will be chairing the meeting to ensure everyone has the opportunity to have their say. Details here….. https://www.option4.co.nz/Marine_Protection/mimiwhangata.htm |
Great Barrier Island Sept 2004 Deadline for submissions is 2 October 2004. More information here https://www.option4.co.nz/Marine_Protection/greatbarrier.htm |
Biodiversity Strategy The coastal and marine section of the NZ Biodiversity Strategy which DoC derive their mandate to conduct their business in our marine environment. https://www.option4.co.nz/Marine_Protection/nzbs1.htm |
News & Issues |
Black Magic Step Up option4 acknowledges the support of Black Magic. Rick Wakelin and his team have raised $4340 so far from the sale of a range of ‘option4' lures. Black Magic will add another five lures to the six already available now, for this coming summer. We encourage you to support this effort by acknowledging the “first” major tackle supplier to step up and be counted. Buy your Black Magic ‘option4 lure' from your local retail outlet. https://www.blackmagic.co.nz/ |
D'Urville Island Plans are afoot for a 770ha mussel farm 10m below the water off D'Urville Island https://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,3018972a6007,00.html |
Support |
Donations If you value the work option4 do please make a donation. There is so much more we could do to maintain and improve the advocacy option4 provide. Please give generously.https://www.safeshop.co.nz/option4/Secure/donations.htm or post your contribution to
Numbers Count If you have friends, colleagues or family members who need to be kept informed of developments. Pass it On |
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Regards from the team at option4 [ footing ] |