Fisheries Regulations
The Amateur Fishing Regulations control the activities of the
public who fish for food. The public includes Maori when they
are not fishing for the purposes of their marae and exercising
their very powerful customary fishing rights.
Any changes to fisheries regulations impact on our right to go
fishing for food.
Ministry of Fisheries Rules
For information on the current regulations go to the Ministry
of Fisheries website and click on the area of your choice
Maori Customary Fishing
Maori have very strong customary management rights and mechanisms
recognised in the Deed of Settlement 1992 and legislated in the
Fisheries Act. More information coming soon.
Proposed changes to fisheries management in the region. An insight
into how particular groups can implement changes without consulting
with the wider public. Read all about the Guardians of Fiordland's
Fisheries plans here