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Correspondence relating to new species in to the QMS
Quota Management System

Since the Fisheries Act 1996 came into full effect on 1 October 2001 the Ministry of Fisheries (MFish) has implemented a programme to consider introducing a further 50 species into the Quota Management System (QMS).

The 1996 Act (sections 12, 21 and 75A) requires the Minister of Fisheries to consult with stakeholders on the setting of Total Allowable Catches, Total Allowable Commercial Catches, allowances and other management measures for species being introduced into the QMS.
(extract from MFish website https://www.fish.govt.nz/current/qms/index.html)

The following are submissions from option4, NZ Recreational Fishing Council (NZRFC), NZ Big Game Fishing Council (NZBGFC) and others in response to MFish proposals. Any related correspondence from the Minister and Ministry of Fisheries is also included in this section.

11 August 2003

The Ministry responds to a question regarding the process for final advice to the Minister on the introduction of kingfish into the QMS

08 August 2003

The NZBGFC submission on the introduction of new species into the QMS on 1st October 2004.
A comprehensive discussion on kahawai, broadbill swordfish, mako sharks, blue sharks, yellowfin tuna and southern bluefin tuna

27 November 2002

Minister decision paper on new species into QMS

"I believe that on balance, my decisions provide for a fair and equitable outcome and certainty to be applied to the introduction of stocks into the QMS in the future. I would encourage you to contribute to the consultation process for setting TACs and other management measures for the new stocks next year and the process for introducing further stocks into the QMS during 2004. "

Hon Pete Hodgson
Minister of Fisheries

For complete text in a PDF document (240Kb)........ please click here

12 July 2002

option4 submission on new species to be introduced to the QMS....

This document comprises option4's submission on the proposals to introduce these seven new species into the QMS.

For complete text in a PDF document........ please click here

9 July 2002

Introduction of New Species into the Quota Management System
on 1 October 2002

MFish write (9/7/01) to advise escalation of introduction of species into QMS outlining process, timetables and list of species for 1/10/02 introduction.......

Complete details from MFish.....click here

02 May 2002

NZBGFC submit to Ministry regards Quota Management Areas
This is a very good summary of NZBGFC policy that kingfish should be managed as a recreational only fish and why. It is one page long and has some interesting statistics on the current recreational take and commercial take of kingfish.

Related Information
Information relating to specific species can be found here